A、He was talking in a newspaper advertisement. B、He was talking to a newspaper salesman. C、He was talking at a newspaper office.

admin2010-08-21  31

M: When is the assignment due? And what type of report do you want?
W: It is due on the twentieth. I expect a full research project, approximately 25 pages in length and typed.
Q: Who are the two people?
M: Hello, I want to place an advertisement in the Sunday edition of your paper for a car.
W: OK. But you’ll have to run your advertisement Saturday and Sunday or all week. We can’t quote rates for just Sunday.
Q: Which of the following statements is true?

选项 A、He was talking in a newspaper advertisement.
B、He was talking to a newspaper salesman.
C、He was talking at a newspaper office.
D、He was talking at a car dealer’s.


解析 男士说“你好!我想在你们报纸的周日版刊登一条汽车广告。”女士说“好的。但是你必须周六周日连续刊登,或是刊登一周。只是周日一天,我们无法报价。”该题问“以下哪种说法是正确的”。从对话内容判断,这是客户和报社工作人员的对话,应该是发生在报社。故C项“他在报社办公室说话”为正确答案。
