Dun took a deep breath, thinking over what had been said and searching in his mind for a possible course of action. Not for the

admin2013-11-29  27

问题    Dun took a deep breath, thinking over what had been said and searching in his mind for a possible course of action. Not for the first time in his flying career, he felt himself in the grip of an acute sense of apprehension, only this time his awareness of his responsibilty for the safety of a huge, complex aircraft and nearly sixty lives was tinged with a sudden icy premonition of disaster. Was this, then what it felt like? Older pilots, those who had been in combat in the war, always maintained that if you kept at the game long, enough you’d buy it in the end. How was it that in the space of half an hour a normal, every day, routing flight, carrying a crowd of happy football fans, could change into a nightmare nearly four miles above the earth, something that would shriek across the front pages of a hundred newspapers?


答案 Dun做了一个深呼吸,仔细掂量着曾经说过的话,脑子里思索着可能采取的行动。在飞行中敏锐地觉察到恐惧担心,这对Dun来说并不是第一次。但仅仅只有这次,他对于庞大复杂的飞行器以及将近60条生命的安全责任感夹杂着一种突如其来的冷酷的灾难前兆。这就是当时的所感吗?那些经历过战争的老飞行员常常这样认为:如果你在一场游戏中待得太久的话,最终你会放弃。每天载着一群兴奋的足球迷,在固定航线上半个小时的正常飞行如何能够变成一个离开地面4米的噩梦呢?这种噩梦将被耸人听闻地报道在众多报纸的头版上。

