Failure is not a big,bad thing that you should be frightened of.Failure is a learning opportunity andnothing more.If successful

admin2022-10-09  38

问题   Failure is not a big,bad thing that you should be frightened of.Failure is a learning opportunity andnothing more.If successful people quit pursuing their goal after failing the first time they tried somethin gnew,then there would be approximately zero successful people ever.There is no such thing as a“hole-in-on”in life.
  The only reason I’ve managed to accomplish anything is because I am a firm believer in continuous improvement.If you fail in something,distance from the event for a day or two,because agonizing over theproblem will not make it go away(and will make it a lot worse),Read a good book,catch up with some friends you haven’t seen in a long time,or go on a nature hike.You will be able to look at the issue with a flesh perspective.


答案 失败并不是多么糟糕透顶的大事,你完全没必要害怕。失败只是一次学习的机会罢了。如果成功的人因刚开始尝试新鲜事物遭遇挫折而放弃梦想。那这世界上可能根本就没有成功人士了。生活中从来就没有“一发即中”这回事。 如果说我确实有所成就的话,那也只是因为我坚信不断尝试就会成功。遇到挫折时,你可以暂时把问题放一放,一味纠结不仅无济于事,有时反倒使情况更糟。先去读一本好书,见见久未谋面的好友或去户外骑游一番:再回顾问题时,你就会感到柳暗花明。

