
admin2014-05-25  22

问题    当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷地考入了师范学校——制服,饭食,书籍,宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲提升学的话。入学,耍交十元的保证金。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,把这巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派为小学校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪。


答案 However, I would also like to further my study, so I secretly took the exam and was admitted to a normal school where all expenses including uniforms, meals, books and accommodation were provided by the school, except that 10 Yuan had to be handed in as deposit It was only under this condition that I dared to break the news to my mother. But what a huge sum of money to her! For about two weeks, Mother suffered much and finally managed to raise the money, and then she sent me off to school with tears in her eyes. So far as I, the son, could win a bright future, Mother would spare no pains. On the day when I was appointed as the headmaster of a primary school after graduation, Mother and I did not sleep a wink all night. All I could say was, "Mother, you can rest a bit now!" And her reply were beads of tears.

解析     本文选自老舍的《我的母亲》。本文的语言朴实直白.生活气息浓郁。因此,翻译时不仅要注意忠实于文字意义,而且要忠实地再现原文的语言风格,要避免用过于晦涩的词汇和复杂的句子结构,应该用平实的语句表达出原文的精神面貌。同时.本文句式简短、零散,翻译时可整合句意,多利用合译和增加适当的逻辑关联词,以避免译文过于松散。
1.前两句句式简单,且隐含因果关系,故将这两句合译为so连接的并列句。第二句破折号后的内容处理成where引导的定语从句,修饰“师范学校”。“升学”可以有多种表达,比如to continue one’s study,to further one’s study或者是to pursue further study等。另外这一句可以较为灵活地和第四句结合到一起翻译,用except that...来连接。
2.第三句可以用强调句型It is only under this condition that:…翻译。
4.第六句中的“作了半个月的难”中的“作难”既有“费了很大劲去做……”,也暗含“为难”之义,可译成suffer much或用struggle to do sth.的句型。
5.第七句“她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。”的后半句可翻译成条件状语从句,用so far as引导。“有出息”可以翻译成to win a bright future.或者是更口语化的to get somewhere。
