A、He was hiding from the storm under a tree. B、He awoke with his face in a puddle of water. C、He was happy when he saw his wife

admin2010-01-26  37

Robert Edwards was blinded in an automobile accident nine years ago. He was also partially deaf because of old age. Last week, he was strolling near his home when a thunderstorm approached. He took refuge under a tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked to the ground and woke up some 20 minutes later, lying face down in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in bed. A short time later, he woke, his legs were numb and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife entered, he saw her for the first time in nine years. Doctors confirm that he has regained his sight and hearing apparently from the flash of lightning, but they are unable to explain the occurrence. The only possible explanation offered by one doctor was that, since Edwards lost his sight as a result of emotional shock in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored by another emotional shock.

选项 A、He was hiding from the storm under a tree.
B、He awoke with his face in a puddle of water.
C、He was happy when he saw his wife for the first time in nine years.
D、The exact time when he became blind.


解析 这类题目有一定难度,要求考生不仅英语听力很好,而且有很好的瞬间记忆能力。在做这类听力题目时要一边细心地听短文,一边看着题目的选项。在听到相关内容与选项相符时应打上记号。本题的前三项在短文中能够清楚地听出来,而最后一个选项D也可通过分析来判断它是错的,短文只是说他是九年前遭遇车祸从而失明的,并没有说明他是何年何月遭遇车祸失明的,也就是说短文没有说明他失明的准确时间。
