A:WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Aiming to improve career prospects •Reading business articles •Learning a foreign languag

admin2010-01-27  41

   Aiming to improve career prospects
   •Reading business articles
   •Learning a foreign language
   Deciding how to transport goods
   Purchasing new machinery
   •Level of automation
   •Maintenance requirements
   Aiming to improve career prospects
   •Reading business articles
   •Learning a foreign language


答案 Suggested Ideas: Reading business articles: ?to know what is going on in the business world, what is the trend in making deals ?to know more about financing, e. g. how to find prospective investors,how to find targets for mergers or acquisitions ?to know more about the industry you are in, e. g. new development of the industry including new technology used in the industry and new products/services available in the industry ?to know more about management skills in respect of time management, project management, HR(Human Resources)management, PR(Public Relationship)management, information management, R&D(Research and Development)management Learning a foreign language: ?to be able to communicate with foreign investors and clients ?to be able to read business articles published in foreign newspapers/magazines ?to be able to write summaries, reports in the foreign language ?to be able to prepare and make presentations in the foreign language ?to be able to attend international conferences and understand keynote speeches at such confer B:WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Deciding how to transport goods ?Destination ?Speed ? Suggested Ideas: Destination: ?You need to know how far away the destination is so as to decide on the means for transporting goods, either by ship, by truck or by train, etc. For example shipping is usually considered the most economical way for transporting large quantities of goods to far away destinations, usually overseas destinations. With the development of express highways in our country, transportation by truck has become more and more popular as it can offer door-to-door delivery services for most destinations within the country. Speed: ?Another factor to be taken into consideration when deciding how to transport goods is speed. i. e. how fast the goods need to be transported to the target destinations. ?The fastest way, of course, is by air. However, transportation by air has its disadvantages:it is more expensive than other means for transportation; it is difficult to transport goods in very large sizes by air, such as vehicles, heavy machinery. C:WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Purchasing new machinery ?LeveI of automation ?Maintenance requirements ? Suggested Ideas: Level of automation: ?It is important to know about the level of automation. whether it is fully automated or partly automated. ?If it is only partly automated, you need to consider how to operate it; whether it is necessary to train the workers. ?If training is required, you need to consider who is going to provide the training(by the manufacturer or by the distributor). ?In addition, you need to consider whether the required training is expensive, who is going to pay for the training. Maintenance requirements: ?It is important to know whether it is easy to maintain the machinery. ?How often does it require a routine maintenance check? ?How often does it require an overhaul? ?Whether it is easy to get spare parts or replacement parts? ?Whether spare parts are included in the overall price for the machinery? ?Who is going to provide maintenance semices(by the manufacturer or the distributor)? ?Who is going to pay for the maintenance sewices? ?How long is the warranty?Is maintenance during the warranty free? ?Is maintenance after the warranty expi res very expensive?

