
admin2019-04-11  72

问题     科学是讲求实际的。科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。同时,科学也需要创造,需要幻想,有幻想才能打破传统的束缚,才能发展科学。科学工作者同志们,请你们不要把幻想让诗人独占了。嫦娥奔月,龙宫探宝,《封神演义》上的许多幻想,通过科学,今天大都变成了现实。伟大的天文学家哥白尼说:人的天职在勇于探索真理。我国人民历来是勇于探索,勇于创造,勇于革命的。我们一定要打破陈规,披荆斩棘,开拓我国科学发展的道路。既异想天开,又实事求是,这是科学工作者特有的风格,让我们在无穷的宇宙长河中去探索无穷的真理吧!


答案 Science is based on facts. Science means honest and solid knowledge. It does not allow the slightest falsity and requires tremendous hard work. Meanwhile, science also needs creativity and imagination to break the restraint of traditional rules and to promote its development. Ladies and gentlemen, please do not allow poets to monopolize the fantasy. Via science, many fantasies in ancient China have come true, including the Goddess Chang’s fly to the moon (with the elixir of life, chased by her famous archer-husband); the underwater treasure search in the Dragon King’s palace; and those described in a famous Chinese book Creation of the Gods. The great astronomer Copernicus said that it is man’s duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth. Chinese people have always been bold in exploration, creation and revolution through all the ages. We must break through conventions, blaze new ways by overcoming difficulties so as to achieve the scientific development. The combination of whimsicality and practicality is the unique characteristic of scientists. So let us explore the boundless universe in quest of never-ending truth.

