
admin2017-07-11  62

问题     对加强海上合作的积极行动,我们会倾力支持;对破坏南海和平稳定的挑衅行为,我们会果断回应。中国人历来讲求“以德报德,以直报怨”,我们重情义,不会亏待朋友;我们讲原则,坚定维护根本立场。我们应维护和平发展的大环境,打造亚洲责任共同体。地区动荡是祸,周边稳定是福。


答案 We will give full support to initiatives that help strengthen maritime cooperation. We will not accept acts that undermine stability in the South China Sea. We Chinese believe in repaying kindness with kindness and meeting wrongdoing with justice. We value friendship and never treat friends unfairly, and we also stand by principles and firmly uphold our fundamental position. We should maintain the general environment of peaceful development and build an Asian community of shared responsibilities. Regional turbulence courts disaster while stability in the neighborhood brings prosperity. In the age of economic globalization, no Asian countries can achieve development in isolation from each other, still less can they pursue development as a "zero-sum game" . Rather, with our interests closely entwined, we the Asian countries need to seek mutually beneficial cooperation where "one plus one can make more than two" and even produces a multiplying effect in which "two plus two makes more than four". The negotiation on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is the largest trade agreement negotiation with the most extensive participation in East Asia, and the RCEP is integration of existing mature free trade areas. Being highly inclusive and based on Asia’s industrial structure, economic model and social tradition, the RCEP is a phased-in arrangement that accommodates member countries at different levels of development, and it does not exclude other regional trading arrangements.

解析     本文选自2014年博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上,中国国务院总理李克强所作的主旨演讲。国家领导人的演讲一般语言较正式,且常常引经据典,需要考生积累语言知识和政治经济学常识。翻译这类演讲时,语言既要正式又要朗朗上口,照顾听众的感受。
