A、Because he wanted to report this to his insurance company. B、Because he wanted to report this to the woman’s insurance company

admin2011-01-10  27

WOMAN: [furious] Imbecile! Idiot! Why didn’t you look where you were going? You ran into me just as I was mining into High Street.
MAN: I’m very sorry; Madam, but you didn’t give a signal.
WOMAN: Didn’t give a signal! I should think not indeed! I had the right of way. Don’t you know your Highway Code?
MAN: Of course I do, Madam, but I’m sorry to say that when you came to the crossroads, you didn’t notice...
WOMAN: I noticed all right—I noticed you were driving much too fast—positively dangerously.
MAN: I’m afraid you’re making a mistake, Madam. As it happened, I’d just looked at my speedometer when I reached the crossroads and I was driving well below the speed limit. After all, this is a built-up area.
WOMAN: You’d just looked at the speedometer? That shows you weren’t paying proper attention to the road, and just look what happened: you crashed into my car, you dented the bumper, you broke one of my headlamps, you scratched the bonnet, to say nothing of the fact that you terrified me so that I was completely speechless with fright!
MAN: [surprised] Speechless, Madam? I’m sorry to hear that and I’d like to apologize for the damage: I did to your car. Nevertheless, if you’d been driving a little more carefully...
WOMAN: Carefully! The whole thing was entirely your fault. I’d only come from the garage up the road. My car had just been serviced and I’d been collecting it. Of course I was driving carefully.
MAN: I’m sure you thought you were driving with due care and attention, Madam, but I very much regret to tell you that you were exceeding the speed limit, and what’s more...
WOMAN: Now just you listen to me! I wasn’t driving carelessly, I wasn’t driving too fast, my brakes were in perfect order, my windscreen was spotlessly clean, my tyres were in excellent condition, my driving mirror was angled correctly, but you... you... you...
MAN: Me, Madam?
WOMAN: You behaved most irresponsibly, driving straight over a crossroads like that without even looking to see if another car was coming.
MAN: I’m sorry you think that, Madam, but the fact is the traffic lights were against you. They’d gone red just before you got to them. In the circumstances I’m afraid I must ask you for your name and address.
WOMAN: My name and address! You give me yours first.
MAN: With pleasure, Madam. Here’s my card?
WOMAN: [reading aloud] "Inspector Robert Simpson—Downshire Police ...!" But— but how was I to know you were a policeman? [Tearfully] You weren’t even wearing your uniform.
MAN: Plain clothes duty, Madam. I was conducting a survey on the causes of road accidents in this area. Now, can I have your name and address please, Madam?
27.Where did the accident take place?
28.Why did the woman think her car was in good condition?
29.What was the real cause of the accident?
30.Why did the man want to see the woman’s driving license?

选项 A、Because he wanted to report this to his insurance company.
B、Because he wanted to report this to the woman’s insurance company.
C、Because he was doing a survey.
D、Because he was a policeman.


