下面你将听到外国媒体就中国艾滋病问题的一段评论。 HIV/AIDS is now recognized clearly as a growing threat to China. According to official Chinese esti

admin2006-11-10  55

问题     下面你将听到外国媒体就中国艾滋病问题的一段评论。
    HIV/AIDS is now recognized clearly as a growing threat to China. According to official Chinese estimates, China now has approximately 840,000 persons infected with HIV. As of the end of 2003, only 62,159 persons had been tested and officially confirmed to be HIV-positive. The remaining HIV-positive persons in China, estimated at 780,000 persons or more, are not known to public health authorities, and the individuals themselves probably do not know their status, posing significant risks for the further spread of HIV. Senior Chinese officials, as well as international experts operational in China, now assert that HIV is steadily moving from source population such as injecting drug users and commercial sex workers into the general population.
    However, China has made important advances in outlook, policy and resource commitments. New leaders have emerged in China with a stronger commitment to improving social welfare and to addressing HIV/AIDS in particular. China has initiated a more proactive response to the HIV/AIDS challenge, including a national treatment and care program. New policy guidelines promote "four frees and one care": free drug treatment for poor citizens, free testing and counseling for poor citizens, free treatment to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, free schooling for AIDS orphans, and care for families affected by HIV/AIDS. Senior leaders have committed to implementing harm reduction strategies, including condom-promotion, needle exchange, and methadone substitution therapy for drug addicts.
    Formidable challenges lie ahead. In spite of many positive developments, daunting challenges—political, technical, and normative—lie ahead for China to combat HIV/AIDS. It is difficult to overstate the scale and challenges in terms of planning, costs, logistics, human resources, technical capacity, and the pervasive problems posed by stigma. Weak and incomplete national HIV testing and surveillance system, debilitated and dysfunctional public health system, particularly in rural areas, serious lack of qualified personnel and the necessary equipment and technologies to properly diagnose, counsel, treat, monitor and care for HIV/AIDS, just to name a few.
    US-based commentators have suggested that success in addressing HIV/AIDS in China will require continued high-level leadership, both in China and internationally. For engaged US policymakers, as well as country leaders and heads of international organizations, priority should lie in near-to medium-term steps which sustain Chinese leadership’s focus on HIV/AIDS and public health. China’s formidable structural and organizational weaknesses must be addressed systematically. Failure to implement a more strategically coordinated plan risks the loss of inter national support over time. Prevention and awareness should receive higher priority in China’s strategic national plan to combat HIV/AIDS. And human resources development, through education and training of medical professionals, is crucial.  


答案 当前在中国,艾滋病毒和艾滋病被视为正在上升的一大威胁。据中国官方估计,中国已有约84万人感染了艾滋病毒。但截止2003年底,仅有62159人经检查确诊为艾滋病毒阳性,其余780000或更多的艾滋病毒阳性人员的情况并不为公共卫生部门所知,当事人自己对此或许也不清楚,这就构成了艾滋病毒进一步传播的重大危险。中国资深官员和在华国际专家都认为,艾滋病毒在中国正从一些特定群体,如注射吸毒人员和卖淫人员,向普通人群扩散。 不过,中国在观念、政策和资源投入方面已取得了重要的进步。新就任的领导人对改善社会福利,特别是处理艾滋病毒和艾滋病问题加大了投入。中国对艾滋病问题做出了更加积极的反应,包括了实行全国性的救治计划。新的方针鼓励“四免一关怀”,即对贫困患者药品免费,检查和治疗免费,防止母婴传染治疗免费,艾滋病孤儿上学免费,以及关怀感染艾滋病毒和艾滋病的家庭等。中国的高级领导人还承诺执行减轻危害的政策,比如鼓励吸毒者使用安全套,针具以旧换新,以及进行美莎酮替代疗法等。 严峻的挑战还在前面,尽管中国已取得很多积极进展,但要战胜艾滋病,在政治,技术和标准方面还面临着十分艰巨的挑战。就规划、成本、后勤、人力资源、技术能力以及艾滋病羞耻所引起的普遍问题来看,其规模之大,问题之严重,无论如何强调都不过分。这里仅举几例:脆弱和不完整的全国性艾滋病毒检查和监测系统,破败而难以发挥作用的公共卫生系统,特别在农村地区,以及在为艾滋病毒和艾滋病感染者提供正常的诊断、咨询、救治、监测和照顾方面严重缺少合格工作人员,必要的设备和技术。 在美国的评论家认为,解决好中国的艾滋病问题,需要中国国内和国际上的高层继续发挥领导作用。关心此事的美国决策人士,各国领导人和国际组织的负责人应把制订近期和中期措施作为工作重点,促使中国领导层继续关注艾滋病毒、艾滋病和公共卫生问题。中国巨大的结构和组织缺陷必须系统地加以整顿。如果不能执行一项策略上更加协调的计划将可能随着时间的推移失去国际上对它的支持。预防和宣传应在中国的抗击艾滋病毒和艾滋病的全国计划中处在更明显的地位。而通过教育和医疗专业人员的训练而开展人力资源的开发更是十分重要的。

解析     本文是关于中国艾滋病问题的评论,内容涉及中国艾滋病的现状和对策。本文要求应试者具有一定医学方面的专门知识,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合汉语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。
