说明:假如你是某大学外语系主任李明,你系的老师张强要调至别的学校担任英语老师,根据以下信息,为他写一封推荐信: 1.写推荐信的原因 2.张强的工作能力和性格 张强:2005年毕业于北京外国语大学英语系,2006-2007年间因为工作成绩突

admin2010-01-09  29

问题 说明:假如你是某大学外语系主任李明,你系的老师张强要调至别的学校担任英语老师,根据以下信息,为他写一封推荐信:
   Words for reference:


答案Dear Sir, It is a great honour that I recommend Zhang Qiang to you, an excellent teacher, for the position of English teacher in your school. Zhang Qiang graduated from English Department of Beijing Foreign Language University in 2005. After graduation, he came to our school to be an English teacher in the English Department. During 2006-2007, he Was awarded many times by school because of his outstanding work. Zhang Qiang is a kind and easy-going person. It’s really a huge loss for our school that he has to leave as for some personal reasons. I recommend Zhang Qiang without reservation and believe you will find him a true treasure very soon. Yours sincerely, Li Ming Dean of English Department

解析    这是一封推荐信。推荐信应该客观、实事求是,语言中肯而真诚。推荐信应该请本行业的权威人士、上级领导来写,这样更有说服力和公信度。推荐信的落款应注明推荐人的职位、头衔等。
