I was in a student coffee bar during my first week at university when a lad from Oldham, of conspicuously cool and languid manne

admin2019-02-25  15

问题     I was in a student coffee bar during my first week at university when a lad from Oldham, of conspicuously cool and languid manner, announced calmly that he intended to get a first in classics.

     【B1】______ When I came to look back I realized he had studied more than anyone else I knew. Through sticking assiduously to a modest but well-defined, realistic plan, he had achieved a great deal.
    He had enjoyed work much more, too. He argued that it was not possible to work productive-ly at intensive intellectual tasks for more than a few hours at a time. I aimed to do much more. But I was easily distracted. By the time it was apparent that stretches of a day had slipped away, I felt so guilty that I blotted studies out of my mind, comforting myself with the thought of all the days which lay ahead.
     【B2】______I thought that success in studying was to do with how brilliantly clever and original you were: I had yet to discover that one of the central challenges of a-dult life is time management.
     【B3】______At university I was at sea. Time came in great undifferentiated swathes. However, the sketchiest of weekly timetables, setting aside 40 hours to cover all study, is an invaluable aid in defining time. Then you can divide it into segments and use it strategically, rather than let it dribble away.
    Dividing big jobs into smaller sub-tasks helps to bring work under control, allows you to set targets and check your progress. There is so much pressure to be ambitious—to go for the long dissertation , to read the huge tomes. Yet achievement arises out of quite modest activities undertaken on a small scale. The trouble with the big tasks is that you keep putting them off. Their scope and shape is unclear and we all flee from uncertainty. The more you can define your work as small, discrete, concrete tasks, the more control you have over it.
     【B4】______It is useful to think of yourself as "investing" time. Some tasks require intense concentration and need to be done at a prime time of day, when you are at your best and have time to spare. Others can be fitted in when you are tired, or as "warm-up" activities at the start of a session. Some, such as essay writing, may best be spread over several days. Some need to be done straight away.
    There are few reliable guidelines. Essentially you have to keep circling round a self-monitoring loop: plan an approach to a task, try it out, reflect afterwards on your success in achieving what you intended and then revise your strategy.
Questions 61 to 65
Choose from the sentences A—G the one which best fits each gap of 61—65. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
A. Once you start to think strategically, you begin to take control of your studies rather than letting them swamp you.
B. Three years later he sailed to his first whilst other friends struggled to very modest achievements.
C. I was too inexperienced at looking after my own affairs to realise I was already failing one of the major tests of studenthood, the organization of time.
D. With a target you can plan your studies, not just stumble ahead in hope.
E. Organising tasks into the time available can itself be divided into strategy and application.
F. The trick is to take control: to decide what to find out something specific—and then work at it until you have taken in enough to think about for the time being.
G. At school the work timetable was defined for us and teachers made sure we fitted all that was required into the school year.



解析 横线上文作者说自己总是不能集中注意力,一天的时间就会浪费。横线下文指出自己慢慢发现时间管理的重要性。横线处应该也是作者发现时间重要的一个过程,即根据自身问题发现规划时间的重要性。因此选C项。
