
admin2013-11-12  25

问题     在中国古典建筑中,门窗的装饰和设计是不可缺少的部分(fixture)。古人认为,门窗是把天与地分开的一道屏障,当这道屏障被打开时,天地之间的和谐就实现了。传统门窗上精心设计、各式各样的格子(latticework)图案对中国建筑装饰有着深远的影响。古代房屋体现了房屋主人的审美情趣、身份地位和财富。因此古人建筑房屋时都特别考究6有的花窗(window latticework)上薄薄一层的金箔(gold foil)至今仍然清晰可见。金箔显示了主人昔日的尊贵。有的则刻有诗词(poems and lyrics)书画(calligraphy and paintings),暗示主人是书香门第(literary family)。


答案 The decoration and design of doors and windows was a fixture in classical Chinese architecture. Doors and windows were symbolic curtains separating heaven and earth in traditional Chinese architecture. Opening these curtains created an ail-importantly harmonious link between heaven and earth. The latticework of diverse and elaborate designs that characterizes the traditional doors and windows has exerted a far-reaching influence on Chinese architectural ornamentation. In ancient times, one’s house usually told much about the owner’s taste, status, and wealth. As a result, when a person had a house built for him or her, he or she paid much attention to its architecture. In some window latticework you may still find thin layers of gold foil, which indicates the houses’ past eminence. Others are carved with poems and lyrics, or even calligraphy and paintings, which implies that literary families once lived in the houses.

