For over a century, psychologists have studied intelligence by asking people questions. Their exams have evolved into batteries

admin2022-01-20  57

问题     For over a century, psychologists have studied intelligence by asking people questions. Their exams have evolved into batteries of tests, each probing a different mental ability, such as verbal reasoning or memorization.
    In a significant advance in the study of mental ability, a team of European and American scientists announced Monday that it had identified 52 genes linked to intelligence in nearly 80,000 people. These genes do not determine intelligence, however. Their combined influence is minuscule, the researchers said, suggesting that thousands more are likely to be involved and still await discovery. Just as important, intelligence is profoundly shaped by the environment. Still, the findings could make it possible to begin new experiments into the biological basis of reasoning and problem-solving, experts said. They could even help researchers determine which interventions would be most effective for children struggling to learn. "This represents an enormous success," said Paige Harden, a psychologist at the University of Texas, who was not involved in the study.


答案 一个多世纪以来,心理学家通过向人们提问来研究智力。他们的测试发展为一系列测验,每项测验针对不同的智力。比如口头推理能力或记忆力。周一,欧洲和美国的一个科学家团队宣布,他们在智力研究方面取得了重大进展:在近8万人中确定了52个与智力相关的基因。不过,这些基因并不能决定智力。研究人员称,它们的综合影响微不足道,很可能还有数千个基因也参与其中,仍有待发现。同样重要的是,智力深受环境影响。不过专家表示,这些发现可以让他们开始对推理和解题的生物基础进行新的实验。它们甚至可以帮助研究者确定哪些干预方式会对学习不好的儿童最有效。“这是巨大的成功,”得克萨斯大学的心理学家佩奇.哈登说。她并没有参与这项研究。

解析     (1)batteries of…是固定词组a battery of…的复数形式,译为“一系列的,一连串的”,代词each所指代的内容为前文中的test,probe译为“调查,探测”。verbal reasoning or memorization译为“口头推理能力或记忆力”。
    (2)该句较长,翻译之前需分析句子结构。该句主干为a team of European and American scientists announced that…,其中that引导宾语从句。由于从句包含内容较多可单独进行翻译,其中linked to作定语,修饰genes。
    (3)翻译该句时,需注意interventions指代“实验中的干预方法”。struggling to learn作定语,修饰children。可译为“它们甚至可以帮助研究者确定哪些干预方式会对学习不好的儿童最有效”。
