
admin2011-04-26  38

问题    我们保证每一个8岁的孩子都能读书,每一个12岁的孩子都能上因特网,每一个18岁的青年都能上大学。今年我们已在这方面取得了巨大进步。我们帮助建立了一支辅导阅读的公民大军,这个措施几乎等于我们在教育技术上的投资增加了一倍;我们扩大了公立学校的选择范围和竞争机会,我们提高了佩尔•格兰特奖学金(Pell Crant scholarships)金额,增加额是20年以来最高的。我们在提高孩子们的学习标准,我们也在向他们提供他们在21世纪面临挑战、抓住机遇所必需的工具。我们的共同努力,将提高孩子们的志向,提升他们的希望,同时也使我们自己履行改进今日教育的职责,使我们的孩子能够迎接明天的挑战。


答案This year, we have made great progress on our pledge to ensure that every S-year-old can read, every 12-year-old can log on to the Internet, and every 1S-year-old can go on to college. We helped to build a citizen army of reading tutors, nearly doubled our investment in education technology; we expanded public school choice and competition and we provided the largest in crease in Pell Grant scholarships in two decades. As we raise standards for our children, we’re also providing them with the tools they need to meet the challenge and seize the opportunities of the 21 st century. Working togethm, we’ re lifting our children’ s sights, raising their hopes, and honoring our obligation to improve education today so that they can meet the challenges of tomor row.

