国务院总理李克强在北京召开的国务院常务会议上表示,健全的养老服务体系有助力创造就业机会、促进经济结构调整。中国老龄化发展迅速,是老年人口最多的国家,达到近2亿人。中国将对一些新兴行业展开反垄断调查。据报道,中国国家发展和改革委员(the National

admin2013-08-18  36

问题     国务院总理李克强在北京召开的国务院常务会议上表示,健全的养老服务体系有助力创造就业机会、促进经济结构调整。中国老龄化发展迅速,是老年人口最多的国家,达到近2亿人。中国将对一些新兴行业展开反垄断调查。据报道,中国国家发展和改革委员(the National Development and Reform Commission)会将对石油、电信、汽车、银行等行业展开调查。发改委一名高级官员表示,这4个行业成为调查目标是因为它们与民众的生活密切相关。


答案 Premier Li Keqiang has told an executive meeting of the State Council in Beijing that a sound elderly care service industry will help to create jobs and facilitate economic restructuring. China has a rapidly aging society and the largest population of elderly people in the world, reaching almost 200 million. A number of new industries are set to face anti-monopoly investigations here in China. The National Development and Reform Commission is reportedly set to probe the oil, telecommunication, automobile and banking sectors. A senior official with the NDRC says these 4 sectors are being specifically targeted because they are closely related to people’s livelihood.

