A、Make up his mind to start all over again. B、Stop making unfair judgements of others. C、Try to find a more exciting job somewhe

admin2021-01-08  45

We are very susceptible to the influence
   of the people around us. For instance, you may have known somebody who has gone overseas for a year or so, and has returned with an accent, perhaps. We become part of our immediate environment. None of us are immune to the influences of our own world. And let us not kid ourselves that we are untouched by the things and the people in our life. Fred goes off to his new job at a factory. Fred takes his 10-minute coffee break, but the other workers take a half an hour. Fred says, “What’s the matter with you guys?” Two weeks later, Fred is taking 20-minute breaks. A month later, Fred takes his half hour. Fred is saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them. Why should I work any harder than the next guy?”
   The fascinating thing about being human is that generally we are unaware that there are changes taking place in our mentality. It is like returning to the city smog after some weeks in the fresh air. Only then do we realise that we have become accustomed to the nasty smells. Mix with critical people and we learn to criticize. Mix with happy people and we learn about happiness. What this means is that we need to decide what we want from life and then choose our company accordingly. You may well say, “That is going to take some effort. It may not be comfortable. I may offend some of my present company.” Right! But it is your life. Fred may say, “I’m always broke, frequently depressed. I’m going nowhere and I never do anything exciting.” Then we discovered that Fred’s best friends are always broke, frequently depressed, going nowhere and wishing that life was more exciting. This is not coincidence, nor is it our business to stand in judgement to Fred. However, if Fred ever wants to improve his quality of life, the first thing he’ll need to do is recognise what has been going on all these years. It’s no surprise that doctors as a profession suffer a lot of ill health because they spend their lives around sick people. Psychiatrists have a higher incidence of suicide in their profession for related reasons. Traditionally, nine out of ten children whose parents smoke, smoke themselves. Obesity is in part an environmental problem. Successful people have successful friends. And so the story goes on...
   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.
   19. What does the speaker say about us as human beings?
   20. What does the speaker say Fred should do first to improve his quality of life?
   21. What does the speaker say about psychiatrists?

选项 A、Make up his mind to start all over again.
B、Stop making unfair judgements of others.
C、Try to find a more exciting job somewhere else.
D、Recognise the negative impact of his coworkers.


解析 细节归纳题。讲座中先提到弗雷德的同事和朋友的状态对他的影响:他的同事工作懒散,休息时间长,一段时间下来,弗雷德也慢慢变得和他们一样,认为自己没必要比其他人更努力;他的朋友生活困窘,经常情绪低落,没有目标,希望生活别总这么无聊,这也导致弗雷德有相同的感觉。接下来,讲话者说,弗雷德要想改善自己的生活,首先要做的就是弄明白这些年都发生了什么。也就是说,他需要先弄明白是身边的人对自己产生了负面的影响。
