长城是中国古代规模浩大的军事防御工程。修筑长城最初是为了抵御北方游牧民族(nomadic groups)的入侵。长城东西绵延8800干米,跨越17个省份,主要由城墙、关隘、烽火台(watchtower)组成。今天我们看到的长城多数可追溯到明朝。保存最完好、

admin2013-09-07  29

问题     长城是中国古代规模浩大的军事防御工程。修筑长城最初是为了抵御北方游牧民族(nomadic groups)的入侵。长城东西绵延8800干米,跨越17个省份,主要由城墙、关隘、烽火台(watchtower)组成。今天我们看到的长城多数可追溯到明朝。保存最完好、最为壮观的部分是北京的八达岭。长城已有两千多年历史,某些部分现已毁坏或消失。然而它仍然是世界上最吸引人的景观之一。长城是耗时最长、付出生命代价最高的建筑工程。它位列世界新七大奇观,当之无愧。


答案 Great Wall of China was an ancient gigantic defensive project. It’s built originally to resist invasions of northern nomadic groups. The wall stretches for 8,800km and spans 17 provinces from east to west. The Great Wall mainly comprises walls, passes and watchtowers. The Great Wall we see today mostly dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The best-preserved and most imposing section is at Badaling in Beijing. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world. The Great Wall is the building project with the longest duration and greatest cost in human lives. It deserves its place among "the New Seven Wonders of the World."

