(1) Near us on our street there was a family with a girl my age called Safina and two boys similar in age to my brothers, Babar

admin2022-09-29  45

问题     (1) Near us on our street there was a family with a girl my age called Safina and two boys similar in age to my brothers, Babar and Basit. We all played cricket on the street or rooftops together, but I knew as we got older the girls would be expected to stay inside. We’d be expected to cook and serve our brothers and fathers.
    (2) While boys and men could roam freely about town, my mother and I could not go out without a male relative to accompany us, even if it was a five-year-old boy! This was the tradition.
    (3) I had decided very early I would not be like that. My father always said, "Malala will be free as a bird." I dreamed of going to the top of Mount Elum like Alexander the Great to touch Jupiter and even beyond the valley. But, as I watched my brothers running across the roof, flying their kites and skilfully flicking the strings back and forth to cut each other’s down, I wondered how free a daughter could ever be.
    (4) I ALWAYS KNEW my father had trouble with words. Sometimes they would get stuck and he would repeat the same syllable over and over like a record caught in a groove as we all waited for the next syllable to suddenly pop out. He said it felt like a wall came down in his throat. M’s, p’s and k’s were all enemies lying in wait. I teased him that one of the reasons he called me Jani was because he found it easier to say than Malala. A stutter was a terrible thing for a man who so loved words and poetry. On each side of the family he had an uncle with the same affliction. But it was almost certainly made worse by his father, whose own voice was a soaring instrument that could make words thunder and dance.
    (5) "Spit it out, son!" he’d roar (咆哮) whenever my father got stuck in the middle of a sentence. My grandfather’s name was Rohul Amin, which means "honest spirit" and is the holy name of the Angel Gabriel. He was so proud of the name that he would introduce himself to people with a famous verse in which his name appears. He was an impatient man at the best of times and would fly into a rage over the smallest thing—like a hen going astray or a cup getting broken. His face would redden and he would throw kettles and pots around. I never knew my grandmother, but my father says she used to joke with my grandfather, "By God, just as you greet us only with a frown, when I die may God give you a wife who never smiles."
    (6) My grandmother was so worried about my father’s stutter that when he was still a young boy she took him to see a holy man. It was a long journey by bus, then an hour’s walk up the hill to where he lived. Her nephew Fazli Hakim had to carry my father on his shoulders. The holy man was called Lewano Pir, Saint of the Mad, because he was said to be able to calm lunatics. When they were taken in to see the Pir, he instructed my father to open his mouth and then spat into it. Then he took some gur, dark molasses (糖浆) made from sugar cane, and rolled it around his mouth to moisten it with spit. He then took out the lump and presented it to my grandmother to give to my father, a little each day. The treatment did not cure the stutter. Actually some people thought it got worse. So when my father was thirteen and told my grandfather he was entering a public speaking competition he was stunned. "How can you? " Rohul Amin asked, laughing. "You take one or two minutes to utter just one sentence."
    (7) "Don’t worry, " replied my father. "You write the speech and I will learn it."
    (8) My grandfather was famous for his speeches. He taught theology in the government high school in the village of Shahpur. He was also an imam at the local mosque. He was a mesmerising speaker. His sermons at Friday prayers were so popular that people would come down from the mountains by donkey or on foot to hear him. (本文选自 I Am Malala)
Which of the following statements accords with the tradition of Malala’s town?

选项 A、Girls are forbidden to play with boys.
B、Daughters are obliged to do housework from an early age.
C、Females are not allowed outside the home even with female companies.
D、Mothers could not go out when accompanied by their young sons.


解析 推断题。原文第二段第一句提到,男孩和男人们可以自由地在镇里四处游荡,而我和母亲在没有男性亲属随行的情况下就不能出门,即使随行的是一个五岁的男孩也行。紧接着第二句指出,这就是传统。由此可知,马拉拉所住的城镇上的传统是女性必须在男性亲属随行的情况下才能出门。也就是说,即便有同性做伴,女性也不能出门,故答案为C,同时排除D,年幼的儿子属于男性亲属,所以母亲在其年幼儿子的陪同下是可以出门的。第一段第一、二句提到,马拉拉和邻居家里的女孩以及这个女孩的两个弟弟一起在街上或屋顶上打过板球,由此可知,该地并未禁止女孩与异性一起玩,A与原文表述相反,故排除;第一段第二、三句指出,随着女孩子逐渐长大,人们就会期望她们待在家里,煮饭并伺候父兄,由此可知,家里的女孩子是在长大后,而不是从小就得做家务,B与原文表述不符,故排除。
