One day last year, there was a sudden knock on the door. Without warning, my nephew had arrived from Turkey! When I had last see

admin2021-08-19  45

问题     One day last year, there was a sudden knock on the door. Without warning, my nephew had arrived from Turkey! When I had last seen him, he was knee-high to a grasshopper, with timid eyes, ears like two fans, two front teeth missing, short hair and continually dirty hands. You know, the look that fits every nephew. I liked and was closely attached to him. With that knee-high to a grasshopper size, he used to look up at me as if viewing a telephone pole, his amber eyes smiling and secretly making fun of me. The legs sticking out of his short pants were a little crooked. Though his eyes were straight, he appeared a bit cross-eyed. I felt sorry when I looked at him…and I never got angry with him or hit him. When we talked, he seemed to have a weight on his shoulders and appeared offended. When he was guilty, this attribute definitely worsened. His eyes grew moist and his voice softened to where he could hardly be heard? it trembled like a leaf. Those who saw him thought him an orphan and felt sorry. They felt like putting their hands in their pockets and giving him some spending money or candy. In spite of my hitting my other nephews for any old thing, this one I couldn’t touch. I love the little son of a gun.
    At home, no matter who got angry, our nephew managed to keep his distance. If you spoke to him, he didn’t reply. If he did answer, it was quietly. Even if you hit him, he was quiet. When taking a beating, instead of increasing, his wailing decreased. Thus, the anger of whoever was beating him turned to compassion and the boy was saved from further punishment. Only much later did I come to this conclusion. It was only when he detected danger that his legs went crooked, his ears grew and his eyes crossed.


答案 去年的一天,突然响起了敲门声。我侄儿招呼都没打就从土耳其跑来了!我最后一次看到他时,他还不过是个小不点儿呢,双眼含羞,两只耳朵像两把扇子,门牙缺了两颗,短短的头发,一双手总是脏兮兮的。要知道,每个侄儿都是这般模样儿。我喜欢他. 和他有种依恋不舍的感情。他个儿矮矮的,看我时总是要仰起脸来,就像是在仰望一根电线杆子似的。一双琥珀色的眼睛笑眯眯的,还暗暗地跟我逗闷儿呢。从他那短裤筒里伸出来的两条腿有些弯。虽说他目不斜视,可似乎还是有那么一点儿斗鸡眼。每当我看着他时就会感到惋惜……我从没对他发过火,也没打过他。我们交谈时,他肩头好像有副重担,显得很不舒服。闯了祸时,他的形象就更糟了。双眼变得湿乎乎的;声音细得让人听不见,而且像一片叶子一样颤抖着。凡是见他这副模样的人都以为他是个孤儿而感到怜惜。他们都想把手伸进口袋里,摸给他几个零花钱或是几颗糖。尽管我曾因各种陈年旧账揍过其他几个侄儿,可他,我却没碰过。我喜爱这个小家伙! 在家里,不管谁发脾气,我的这个侄儿总能与之保持距离。你跟他讲话,他闭口不答,即便回答,也是细声细气的。你就是揍他,他也不出声。狠狠揍他一顿时,他的呜咽声非但没增大反倒减弱了。就这样,那个揍他的人的怒气就会化为同情,小男孩也就从更严厉的惩罚中解救出来了。只是在后来我才得出了这样一个结论:只有在他察觉到大难临头时,双腿才会弯曲,耳朵才会耷拉着,眼睛才会变成斗鸡眼。”

解析     without warning意为“毫无征兆,毫无预兆”,根据语境可知,这里的“征兆或预兆”指“我侄儿从土耳其过来”这件事的预兆,因此翻译时需要结合语境,将其具体化,译为“招呼都没打”。
    knee—high to a grasshopper字面意思是“膝盖只有蚱蜢那么高”,实际表示“(孩子)矮小的,幼小的”,形容身材矮小、年纪轻,常翻译为“小时候,小不点儿”。介词with引导伴随状语,从眼睛、耳朵、门牙、头发和手这几个方面描述了“我侄儿”的外貌,翻译时需转化为主谓结构,处理为一个个小短句,短小精悍,层次清晰。
    his amber eyes smiling and secretly making fun of me这部分是独立主格,着重于对“我侄儿”眼睛和眼神的刻画,主句则着重描述了他仰望我时的状态,翻译时根据语意,将其处理为两句。make fun of常用含义为“嘲笑,取笑”,结合“我侄儿”的形象特征可知,这里侧重于“和我开玩笑”,故“逗闷儿”一词更符合语境。
    thing不仅可以表示具体的“东西”,也可以表示“事情”,在此意为“旧事”。结合语境“旧事导致几个侄儿被揍”,将old thing译为“陈年旧账”更贴切。
