
admin2016-04-26  30

问题     中国是全球水资源最为匮乏的国家之一。拥有全球20%的人口,但淡水资源仅占全球的7%。中国淡水年消耗量达6000亿立方米,即每人400立方米——为美国人均使用量的1/4,不到国际定义的用水紧张量(waterstress)的一半。淡水短缺对中国水资源密集型产业(water-intensive industry)的发展造成威胁。随着中国经济的快速增长,这一问题已变得更为明显。不仅耗水量大的工业,甚至一些城市里与日常生活息息相关的行业例如洗车业、公共洗浴场所和水疗中心(SPA center)都将受到用水限制。


答案China is one of the most water-poor countries in the world, with 20% of the world’s population but only 7% of its fresh water. The country consumes 600 billion cubic meters of water a year, or about 400 cubic meters a person-one quarter of what the average American uses and less than half the international definition of water stress. Fresh water shortages pose a threat to the development of water-intensive industry in China. Along with the rapid growth of Chinese economy, the problem has become more apparent. Water supplies will be restricted not only in water-intensive industries, but even in businesses closely related with people’s daily life, such as car washing, public baths and SPA center, in certain cities.

解析 1.第一、二句的逻辑主语都是“中国”,两句意义联系也较为紧密,可以合译。将第一句处理为英文句子的主干部分,第二句则处理为with引导的介词短语,作状语,表伴随情况。
2.“中国淡水年消耗量”可直译为the annual consumption of water is…,或者可将“年消耗量”转译为动词,译成The country consumes...a year。破折号后面的部分起强调作用,英译时仍保留破折号,作同位语,解释“400立方米”意味着什么。
3.第四句中的“对……造成威胁”可简单译作threaten,或用短语pose a threat to...来表示。注意本句中的主语shortage需要使用复数形式。
4.末句的主干为“不仅……工业,甚至……都将受到用水限制”,其中主语较长,如果按汉语的语序译成Notonly the...industry and even the...industry such as...will see their water supplies limited,就会造成句子“头重脚轻”,不符合英文的表达习惯。故可将句子语序处理为“水供应会在……方而受到限制”,将原来的主语处理为状语,置于句末,即译成Water supplies will be restricted in…。本句中的“耗水量大的工业”与上文提到的“水资源密集型产业”同义,故也可译为water-intensive industries。
