Read this text about the job creation cutting by private employers. Choose the best sentence form the opposite page to fill

admin2015-01-27  29

问题     Read this text about the job creation cutting by private employers.
    Choose the best sentence form the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
    For each gap(9-14), mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.
    Do not use any letter more than once.
    There is an example at theibeginning(0).
                Private Employers Drastically Cut Job Creation
    Private employers drastically cut job creation during May 2010, according to a government report released on Friday.
    Initially, the report appeared to show positive trends in the job market, with 431, 000 job; being added across the US—the highest figure since March 2000.(0)___B___ Within the private sector, only 41, 000 jobs were created. 【P1】______ Although the 411, 000 people hired by the Census did help to boost the economy and drive down unemployment rates, these jobs will no longer exist after the Census has been completed.【P2】______
    The survey also revealed that the number of persons employed part-time for economic reasons declined by 343, 000 in May to 8. 8 million. 【P3】______And now that private employers have cut job creation so severely, it seems this trend is set to continue for some time.
    Statistics also reinforced the lasting effects of the recession and the long road to recovery that the US labour market is still slowly travailing. 【P4】______And there are still approximately 15 million people who want to be working but cannot find a job.
    【P5】______ Construction employers, for example, added 41,000 jobs in March and April after months of decline, but then eliminated 35,000 of these jobs in May. Wall Street viewed the latest figures as extremely disappointing.【P6】______
    In fact, industry analysts believe that unemployment will remain high for at least two years and, according to an Associated Press-GFK Poll, only one in five members of the American public considers the economy in good condition.
A Some sectors that were growing are now shrinking again.
B On the surface the employment figures lock great, but that beauty was only skin-deep.
C Therefore 431,000 jobs being added do nothing to improve the nation’s economy in the long run.
D However, all of these jobs were in fact created merely for the purpose of the nationwide census that takes place once every 10 years.
E The national unemployment rate, which is calculated using a separate household survey, fell only moderately, to 9. 7 percent in May from 9.9 percent in April.
F It is far less than the 218, 000 added in April, and the 180,000 jobs private sector employers had anticipated.
G These individuals were working part-time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.
H It is a possible indicator that recovery from the recession has come to a standstill.



解析 前一句提到因为职业普查而新增加的工作职位确实振兴了经济,降低了失业率,但在普查结束之后新职位会消失。由此可推振兴的经济和降低的失业率又会反弹。C项讲述了新增加的职位的实际作用:do nothing to improve the nation’s economy inthe long run,即:长期来看不会对改善经济有任何作用。与前一句构成因果关系。故应选C。
