Growth prospects among large developing countries and economies in transition are mixed. Growth in Brazil has been hampered by w

admin2019-03-20  86

问题 Growth prospects among large developing countries and economies in transition are mixed. Growth in Brazil has been hampered by weak external demand, volatility in international capital flows and tightening monetary policy, but growth is expected to rebound to 3 per cent in 2014. A slowdown in China has been stabilized and growth is expected to maintain at a pace of about 7. 5 per cent in the next few years. India experienced its lowest growth in two decades, along with large current account and government budget deficits plus high inflation, but growth is forecast to improve to above 5 per cent in 2014. In the Russian Federation growth weakened further in 2013, as industrial output and investment faltered, and is expected to recover modestly to 2. 9 per cent in 2014.
Among developing regions, growth prospects in Africa remain relatively robust. After an estimated growth of 4. 0 per cent in 2013 , GDP is projected to expand by 4. 7 per cent in 2014. The report emphasized the dependence of Africa’s growth on investment in infrastructure, trade and investment ties with emerging economies, and improvements in economic governance and management.(186 words)


答案 发展中大国和转型经济体的发展前景良莠不齐。受外需疲软、国际资本流波动及货币政策紧缩影响,巴西的经济增长受阻。不过,预计到2014年,其经济增长率将回归到3%。中国经济增长放缓趋势已恢复平稳,未来几年经济增长率预计维持在7.5%左右。20年来,印度经济遭遇最缓慢的增长期,其经常项目及政府财政均出现巨大赤字,通货膨胀严重。然而,其经济增长预计在2014年突破5%。随着工业产出和投资疲软,俄罗斯联邦2013年经济增长进一步放缓。预计到2014年,其经济增长率将适度恢复至2.9%。 在发展中国家和地区中,非洲的前景相对稳健,2013年其经济增长率预计可达4.0%;到2014年,其国内生产总值预计将提升4.7%。报告强调,非洲经济增长依赖基础设施投资、与新兴经济体的贸易投资关系,以及经济治理与管理的改善。

