
admin2020-12-03  42

问题     从1999年到2007年,中国人每年有3次长假,五一、十一和春节,每次假期七天,这些假日被称为黄金周。但越是在假期,人们就越忙碌。不得不上班的人们就更忙碌,特别是交通管理部门、旅游和服务行业。回家几乎是长假的另一个任务,尤其是在春节,每个家庭都想团聚。结了婚的女人不再被当作娘家人,她们只好到男方家中过年。现在的年轻人不再认同这些传统,这是个好消息。他们往往达成妥协,在双方家里各待几天。


答案 From 1999 to 2007, Chinese people had three separate holidays including Labor’s Day, National Day and Spring Festival. Each holiday extends over a week. These holidays are also known as the golden week holidays. But people are busier in these holidays. People who have to work during these holidays are even busier, especially those in traffic management departments, tourism and the service industries. Going home is almost an obligation during the long holidays, particularly during the traditional Chinese Spring Festival. Every family wants to have a reunion. A married woman is supposed to spend the holiday with her husband’s family because she is no longer considered as a part of her own family. The good news is that young people today no longer feel obligated by these traditions. More often than not, they would reach a compromise by spending a few days with each family.

