Efforts to reduce aviation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will be surpassed by the growth in air passengers, according to new re

admin2022-08-25  53

问题     Efforts to reduce aviation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will be surpassed by the growth in air passengers, according to new research. Besides, plane ticket prices would need to rise by at least 1.4% a year for emission levels to fall.
    But such a rise would oppose the recent trend of lower air fares, said the authors of the research. They added that even if proposed reduction measures were agreed upon and put into place, air traffic growth rates were likely to exceed emission reductions, unless demand was substantially reduced. But the research suggested any move to suppress demand would be resisted by the airline industry and national governments.
    "Some reduction measures can be left to the aviation sector to resolve," said one expert, "For example, the industry will continue to seek improvements to fuel efficiency as this will reduce costs. However, other essential measures, such as setting carbon standards, will require political leadership at a global level."


答案 新研究表明,航空业二氧化碳排放量的减少速度将赶不上其乘客的增长速度。此外,为了降低二氧化碳的排放水平,飞机票的价格每年至少需要上涨1. 4%。 但该研究的负责人表示,飞机票的此种上涨会与近期机票价格的下降趋势相违背。此外他们补充到,即使减排的建议措施获得一致通过并得以付诸实施,航空运输的增长率也有可能超过二氧化碳的减排率。除非需求大幅减少。但是该研究也表明,任何试图抑制需求的举动都会遭到航空公司和各国政府的抵制。 一位专家称,“有些减排措施可以留给航空业去解决,例如,航空业会继续努力提高燃料使用效率,因为这样可以降低成本。然而,其他一些重要措施。比如设置碳排放标准。则需要全球政治领导的努力。”

解析     1. 第一段的首句,若按照原被动句式译成“减少航空业二氧化碳排放的努力将会被航空乘客的增长超过”,“努力被增长超过”显得搭配不当。可将动词reduce转译成名词“减少”,“减少航空业二氧化碳排放的努力”转译成“航空业二氧化碳排放量的减少速度”,growth在翻译时,增译“速度”一词,处理为“增长速度”,整句处理成“航空业二氧化碳排放量的减少速度将被其乘客的增长速度超过”。不过,若能将被动句化成主动句,把will be surpassed by处理成“将赶不上”,译文会更符合中文表达习惯。句末的according to new research说明主句所述信息的来源,属于次要信息,汉语习惯将次要信息放在前面,故翻译时将其置于句首。
    2. 第二段首句的翻译难点主要在于oppose和authors这两个词。根据此处语义,oppose如取“反对”之义,则难与其后的“趋势”(trend)搭配,故将其处理成“背离,相违背”,oppose the recent trend of…译作“与近期……趋势相违背”。the authors of the research如直译为“该研究的作者”,会有些硬译的感觉,如译作“该研究的负责人”会比较自然。
    3. 第二段第二句是一个复合句,包含多个从句,翻译时需注意理清句子的结构。其中,even if…put into place和unless demand was substantially reduced如照译成被动句——“被建议的减排措施被同意和实施”和“需求被大幅减少”,译文会稍显生硬,也不符合中文多用主动语态的表达习惯,可化被动为主动,分别处理作“被建议的减排措施获得一致通过和得以付诸实施”和“需求大幅减少”。proposed reduction measures意为“被提议的减排措施”,通过调整词序可使译文更自然,如译为“减排的建议措施”。
