
admin2017-03-01  24

问题     “网络红人”是指在现实或者网络生活中因为某个事件或者某个行为而被网民关注从而走红的人。他们的走红皆因为自身的某种特质在网络作用下被放大,与网民的审美、审丑、娱乐、刺激、偷窥、臆想以及看客等心理相契合,有意或无意间受到网络世界的追捧,成为“网络红人”。因此,“网络红人”的产生不是自发的,而是网络媒介环境下,网络红人、网络推手、传统媒体以及受众心理需求等利益共同体综合作用下的结果。  


答案 Web celebrity refers to the people who, in real or virtual world, due to a specific event or behavior, receive attention from multitudes of netizens. They have their moments all because their particular qualities are amplified by the internet, coincidently according with the netizens’ beauty appreciation and ugliness appreciation, entertainment, excitement, snooping, surmise and spectators psychology, intentionally or unintentionally becoming popular with the internet world. Therefore, the web celebrity is not spontaneous but the result of comprehensive function of the community of interests of web celebrity, internet marketers, traditional media and the audience’s psychological needs in the big environment of the internet media.

