《史记》(Records of the Grand Historian)是中国第一本纪传体通史(general history based on biog—raphy),由中国西汉时期的历史学家司马迁编写。该书由五部分组成,共130篇,五十多万字,记载了古

admin2019-07-19  47

问题     《史记》(Records of the Grand Historian)是中国第一本纪传体通史(general history based on biog—raphy),由中国西汉时期的历史学家司马迁编写。该书由五部分组成,共130篇,五十多万字,记载了古代中国两千多年的历史。《史记》不以时间为顺序,而是以人物为中心来记录历史事实,开创了新的史书写作手法。《史记》内容涉及广泛,不仅谈及政治,还包括哲学、经济、民族关系等多个话题。它不但是一部杰出的史学著作,而且是一部优秀的文学巨著,具有很高的文学价值。


答案The Records of the Grand Historian is the first general history of China based on biography, written by the historian Sima Qian in Western Han Dynasty. The book consists of five parts, 130 chapters, and more than half a million words, covering ancient Chinese history of over two thousand years. Instead of written in chronological order, the Records of the Grand Historian describes history by centering on figures, which creates an innovative writing technique for historical books. What is documented in the book is wide-ranging, including politics as well as various subjects like philosophy, economy and ethnic relations. The Records of the Grand Historian is not only an outstanding historical book, but also an excellent literature masterpiece with high literary value.

解析 1.第一句话可将“是中国第一本纪传体通史”作为句子主干,把“由中国西汉时期的历史学家司马迁编写”处理成过去分词短语,置于句子主干之后,用逗号隔开。
3.翻译第三句“《史记》不以时间……史书写作手法”时,可用第二个短句“以人物为中心来记录历史事实”作为主句,译为describes history by centering on figures。“不以时间为顺序”则译为instead of written inchronological order。“开创了新的史书写作手法”处理成which引导的非限制性定语从句,这样句式显得丰富多样。
4.最后一句中的“具有很高的文学价值”可处理成with引导的介宾短语,这样可避免译成分句has a highliterary value,使句式显得简洁精炼。
