Sequoyah was born about 1770 in the village of Taskigi. He was a Cherokee Indian, and, along with his entire tribe, he was illit

admin2012-07-17  23

问题     Sequoyah was born about 1770 in the village of Taskigi. He was a Cherokee Indian, and, along with his entire tribe, he was illiterate. As a result of a hunting accident that left him partially crippled, he enjoyed more leisure time than other tribesmen. And he began to ponder the idea that the Indian people might also come to possess the secret of the "talking leaf". Alone in the woods, he spent hours playing with pieces of wood or making odd little marks on one stone with another. Neither his wife nor his friends offered him any encouragement, and many ridiculed him. But Sequoyah was obsessed with his dream of developing an alphabet for the Cherokee language.
    At first, Sequoyah tried to give every word a separate character, but eventually he realized the futility of such approach and settled on assigning one character to each sound. What he achieved twelve years later was a syllabary of eighty-six characters representing all of the sounds of Cherokee. In combination, they produced a written language of remarkable simplicity and effectiveness. It was so simple, in fact, that it could be learned in a few days. Within a matter of months, a population that had been entirely illiterate became almost entirely literate.
    As a tribute to this great Indian educator, the tallest trees in North America, the Sierra Redwoods, were given the name Sequoyahs.
Sequoyah had more free time than the other tribesmen because he was________.

选项 A、developing an alphabet
B、a hunter
C、a very old man


解析 文中第一段第三句说:“他在一次狩猎中发生了意外,落下部分残疾,所以他比部落的其他人有更多的空余时间。”因此选项D正确。本题通过排除法也能找到答案。选项A“创制一种字母表”,从文中我们得知,创制一种字母表是塞阔亚在空余时间做的事,而不是他有空余时间的原因,故可排除。选项B“一个猎人”,他跛足之前是一个猎人,并不是他比部落其他人有更多时间的原因,选项B可排除。选项C“一个非常老的人”,文中未提及,故可排除。
