Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make commen

admin2017-09-05  37

问题    Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use your own words.
Dear Sally,
   It was amazing to see your dance performance last weekend. I felt so proud of you when your teacher and schoolmates congratulated you upon your completion of the performance. ’
   While you continue to enjoy the moment, I’ d like to share with you a small quote from Abraham Lincoln," This, too, shall pass away. " I want these words to be your guide at every turning point in your life.
   When you’ re feeling very proud of yourself at an achievement, knowing no bounds at that moment, remember that "This, too, shall pass away. "
   When you’ re at a difficult moment in your life and don’ t know what to do, find comfort in the same words—"This, too, shall pass away. "
   I’ m not saying that the ache of some losses and setbacks will completely go away from your life. In fact, often the memories of painful events will hit you unexpectedly like tons of bricks and take your breath away years after they happen.
   But, like all humans, you have an almost infinite capacity to adapt to life’ s changes and a great ability to bounce back from trying times. This understanding should give you a spark of hope when you’ re in a season of despair: it should also build up your confidence for taking risks in the future.
   Sally, our lives are made up of several peaks and several valleys. That’ s the nature of life. Live each moment as it comes. And always remember "This, too, shall pass away. "


答案 Sally’ s father wrote her a letter. In the letter, firstly, he congratulated her on her success in the dance performance last weekend. Secondly, her father shared a small quote from Abraham Lincoln with her: This, too, shall pass away. In my considered opinion, this sentence can be applied to many situations in our life. When we are in a successful moment in life, just like Sally, we have to remember that we cannot always be successful and this successful moment shall quickly pass away. To a certain extent, the best we can do is try to do more if we want a continued success. In exactly the same way, when facing difficulties, we also need to know that we have infinite capacity to adapt to life’ s changes. There is no doubt that our lives are made of several peaks and valleys, which is the nature of life. In conclusion, whether in happiness or in misery, we should keep in mind that: This, too, shall pass away.

解析    该篇作文要求考生写一篇总结文章观点并围绕文章思想进行个人评论的作文。文章材料是一封父亲写给女儿Sally的信,信中父亲首先表达了对女儿圆满完成舞蹈表演的祝贺,同时为女儿感到骄傲。然后,父亲和女儿分享了一句话,即“This,too,shall pass away.”意为“一切终将过去”,希望女儿可以用这句话来面对生活中的一切。文章用了很多笔墨来说明这句话,所以考生在写作时一定要将这句话作为关键着手点。
