
admin2010-06-18  40

问题 外来移民难道真的是欧洲社会难以摆脱的失业和高犯罪率的罪魁祸首吗?今天的欧洲或许算是一方乐土,吸引着非洲、亚洲、南美洲的许多年轻人背井离乡到这里来谋生求发展。更重要的是,西欧今天已经离不开移民。移民的到来对欧洲的经济社会发展,甚至改善欧洲人口年龄结构,起着不可忽视的作用。


答案Are immigrants really the major culprit of unemployment and high crime rate that have been haunting the European societies?...Today, Western Europe cannot develop without immigrants, for they are making innegligible contributions to Europe’ s economy and even to the improvement of the age composition of its population. Because of a low birth rate and a greater average life span, retired people will account for half of the European population in 25 years, and Europe will become the old continent in the true sense of the word. Who will fill up this population deficit? Who will work for Europe? The answer is only too obvious. The Investigation Committee of the German Parliament claimed that the immigrants make the European population younger and more vigorous.

