A、Making a compromise. B、Warning of the dangers. C、Calling the police for help. D、Turning down the music. ABetty Wong列举了多个解决邻居家噪

admin2019-04-22  32

    Well, for years, people have been trying to compete with their neighbors, how about actually trying to get along with them? Joining us with some simple tips on how to deal with those likeable and not so likeable neighbors is Betty Wong: she is the Executive Editor of Family Circle magazine. Good morning, Betty.
Betty Wong:
    Good morning, everyone. First, you might ask why it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbors. Well, you know, your home is your shelter. And how you get along with your neighbors really plays a large part in your health wellbeing and happiness. And so it’s important at least to establish a good, cordial, or at least polite relationship with your neighbors.
    When you move into a neighborhood, you should establish relationships. If the neighbors don’t reach out to you, don’t assume that they are being rude or unfriendly. After a few days, go ahead and introduce yourself, because I think once you make friends with them, it makes that much easier to prevent problems later on, or maybe ask them for a favor like if you are on a vacation and you need them to water your plants and pick up your mail. It’s much easier when you know them personally.
    Yeah, neighbors can be really really helpful, but of course they can also be annoying. For example, loud music is one of those top complaints, and I think you know for most reasons... people probably aren’t even aware that they are causing problems for their neighbors. And I think if you bring it up to that your neighbors’ attention they will be more than happy to fix it. But don’t just call the police. You could say something like, you know, I’m really a light sleeper or I suffer from headaches. Can you help me out by turning down the music during those evening hours or the early morning, or come up with a compromise that works for both of you, a resolution that works for both of you.
    There is another really sensitive situation: Unpleasant smells. But your neighbors are just as entitled to cook whatever she likes in the comfort of her own home. You should try to approach them, you know, politely, reasonably, and if that doesn’t work, you could also just talk to management because maybe there is something wrong with your building’s ventilation system.[19]Besides, this month’s Family Circle mentions the power in numbers, which means sometimes it does help to get support from your fellow neighbors, but you have to be sensitive that you are not ganging up on your next door neighbor. For more on this topic and others, you can refer to my magazine.
16. What is the topic of the talk today?
17. What is much easier to do after making friends with the neighbors?
18. What method can be used to solve the loud music problem?
19. What does Family Circle suggest to do concerning unpleasant smells from a neighbor?

选项 A、Making a compromise.
B、Warning of the dangers.
C、Calling the police for help.
D、Turning down the music.


解析 Betty Wong列举了多个解决邻居家噪音问题的方式,其中最后一个是双方各让一步(come up with a compromise),采用一个折衷的办法,A项复现原词compromise,是正确答案。演讲人主张以理服人,B项“警告危险”没有在录音中提及,C项“打电话报警”是她明确禁止的做法,B、C项均为错误选项。D项具有迷惑性,让邻居关小音乐是处理问题的目的,但演讲人指出最好是劝说邻居自己关小,而不是直接自行关小音乐。
