农历五月五日的端午节是为了纪念被昏庸君主贬官放逐而抱石投江自尽的古代诗人和忠臣屈原。最初人们将以竹叶包扎好的糯米粽子,投入屈原自尽的那条江,以祭祀亡灵。今天,人们在端午时节举行龙舟比赛,而粽子则由活生生的人来享用。 农历八月十五日的中秋节是观赏满月

admin2013-05-19  35

问题     农历五月五日的端午节是为了纪念被昏庸君主贬官放逐而抱石投江自尽的古代诗人和忠臣屈原。最初人们将以竹叶包扎好的糯米粽子,投入屈原自尽的那条江,以祭祀亡灵。今天,人们在端午时节举行龙舟比赛,而粽子则由活生生的人来享用。


答案 The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month (around early June) is celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan, an ancient poet and loyal minister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court. Zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, were originally prepared as sacrificial offerings for Qu Yuan’s departed soul and dropped into the river where he drowned himself. Today, however, dragon boat races are held during the festival and the Zongzi are consumed by the living. The Mid-autumn Festival which occurs on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month (around mid-September) is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol for completeness, and by extension, family reunion. The specialty of the day is the yuebing (mooncake), a round pastry filled with nuts, candied preserved fruits, bean paste, duck egg yolks, etc. The Spring Festival, the Chinese lunar New Year, is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and generally occurs some time in the first half of February. Customarily, lavishly consuming food and drink is a major activity. In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, regional custom dictates the preparation and consumption of traditional favorites, for example, jiaozi (boiled dumplings) in Beijing, babaofan (a steamed sweet glutinous rice pudding) in Shanghai, and the soup of small rice-balls (cooked with pork and chicken) in Guangzhou. Throughout China, niangao (literally meaning the "year cake", a thick steamed pudding of glutinous rice flour) is made in a great variety of shapes and flavors. The character gao in the word niangao is homonymous with the word "high", suggesting "growing up and prospering" in the new year.

解析     本篇主要介绍了3个中国传统节日:端午节、中秋节和春节。为了更好地向外国友人传递中国文化,第一次翻译传统中国食品时,可以先音译,再加注释。
农历五月五日:译为“the 5th day of the 5th lunar month(around early June)”,除了加“lunar”表示“农历”外,还应补充说明在公历上对应的时间。
被昏庸君主贬官放逐:译为“(be)in exile from a corrupt court”,其中“in exile”指贬官放逐,  “from a corrupt court”取意译法,朝廷腐败实指君主昏庸。
以竹叶包扎好的糯米粽子:粽子是为国人喜爱的一种用竹叶包裹的糯米食品,第一次出现时,可以先音译,然后加注释,译为“zongzi,a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves”。
以祭祀亡灵:译作“sacrificial offerings for Qu Yuan’s departed soul”,其中“QuYuan’s departed soul”明确“亡灵”即“屈原的亡灵”。
人们在端午时节举行龙舟比赛:  “人们”开头的句子,汉译英时往往进行主动转化成被动的处理,故译为“dragon boat races are held during the festival”。
圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,进而象征着家庭团聚:此处说明月亮的象征意义,  “进而”表示“进一步”的含义,可用短语“by extension”,故译为“The round moon is a symbol for completeness,and by extension,family reunion.”。
一种圆形的月饼,内含核桃仁、蜜饯、豆沙或蛋黄等食物:与前文“粽子”的翻译方法相似。虽然英文中有“mooncake”一词对应中文的“月饼”,但大多数外国人对这种食品并不熟悉,仍需加注释,译为“the yuebing(mooncake),a round pastry filled with nuts,candied preserved fruits,bean paste,duck egg yolks,etc.”。其中“蜜饯”可译为“preserved fruit”或“candied preserved fruit”,  “蛋黄”一般使用鸭蛋蛋黄,增词译为“duck egg yolks”。
中国的农历新年:the Chinese lunar New Year.
大吃大喝历来是春节的主要内容:  “历来”表示“传统习俗是……”,可使用副词“customarily”来进行翻译。整句译成“Customarily,lavishly consuming food and drink is a major activity.”。
人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制一些传统菜肴:译为“regional custom dictates the preparation and consumption of traditional favorites”。其中“Dictate”表示“control or command(控制或指挥)”,“regional custom dictates…”表示“地方习俗规定……”。
北京的饺子:jiaozi(boiled dumplings)in Beijing。
上海的八宝饭:babaofan(a steamed sweet glutinous rice pudding)in Shanghai。
广州的米羹:the soup of small rice-balls(cooked with pork and chicken)in Guangzhou。
形态各异、口味不一:“各异”与“不一”同义,可用短语“in a great variety of”翻译,故译为“…is made in a great variety of shapes and flavors”。
“年糕”这个词里的“糕”字与“高”谐音:译为:  “The character gao in the word niangao is homonymous with the word‘high’.”。其中“homonymous”表示“同音异义的、双关的、同名的”。在“……与……谐音”的结构中,后者不能音译,必须表示具体含义,如,“高”译为“high”。
寓意来年“节节高”:  “寓意”即“隐含”的意思,故译为:  “suggesting‘growing up and prospering’in the new year”  。
