
admin2020-02-10  24

问题     这是世界的第三极,平均海拔5000米,冰峰林立,雪原寥寂。不知是神灵的佑护还是大自然的疏忽,在荒漠的褶皱里,有时会不可思议地生存着一片红柳丛。它们有着铁一样锈红的枝干,凤羽般纷披的碎叶,偶尔会开出穗样的细密的花,对着高原的酷热和缺氧微笑。这高原的精灵,是离太阳最近的绿树,百年才能长成小小的一蓬。在藏区巡回医疗,我骑马穿行于略带苍蓝色调的红柳丛中,竟以为它必与雪域永在。


答案 With an average elevation of 5000 meters, this area is known as the Third Pole of the Earth. Here, ice-covered peaks rise like forests above a vast stretch of deserted snow fields. Either blessed by God or spared by Nature, clusters of Chinese tamarisk trees had impossibly managed to survive in the folds of the valley, their stems and branches having the color of rusty iron and their leaves spreading out like soft feathers. Occasionally they produce dense tiny flowers crowded into the shape of rice ears, beaming in spite of the heat and thin air on the plateau. Symbolizing the spirit of the plateau, they are the closest to the sun of all green tree species. It takes a whole century for them to grow into a small cluster. Riding on my horse through the grayish tamarisk trees on my medical-service rounds, I was even convinced that they would exist as long as the snow-covered plateau itself.

解析 背景介绍
-  当汉语中意象过多,信息量大,尤其是四字诃语较多时,英文的翻译应遵循完整的意群而及时断句。如“这是世界的第三极,平均海拔5000米”则可断为一句:With an average elevation of 5000 meters,this area is known as the Third Pole of the Earth.
-  “冰峰林立,雪原寂寥”应落实到具体意象,“冰峰”是ice-covered peak,“林立”则为“rise like forest”。“雪原”是snow fields,  “寂寥”则是透过“deserted”一词显现。整个部分建议译为:Here,ice-covered peaks rise like forests above a vast stretch of deserted snow fields.
-  “褶皱”一词难度较大,文学色彩较浓,理解文章后应译为“fold”,  “在荒漠的褶皱里”应译为“in the folds of the valley”。
-  “不可思议地生存着”应体现惊讶之情“impossibly managed to survive”。“一片”红柳丛的量词搭配较为生僻,可用固定搭配“a cluster of”或“clusters of”。
-  它们有着铁一样锈红的枝干,凤羽般纷披的碎叶:此句为对红柳丛的描写,译文中可采用动名词短语的形式,紧跟原句之后,加以补充说明,译文更为简练,符合英文的逻辑和用语习惯。这个部分可泽为:Their stems and branches having the color if rusty iron and their leaves spreading out like soft feathers.
-  偶尔会开出穗样的细密的花:  “穗样”是形象的表达方式,可以联想到rice ears。动词“开”体现出花开之密,  “crowd”便能恰到好处地表现花朵盛开的情景。这个部分可译为:Occasionally they produce dense tiny flowers crowded into the shape of rice ears.
-  在藏区巡回医疗,我骑马穿行于略带苍蓝色调的红柳丛中,竞以为它必与雪域永在:本句应注意重组句子结构,译者可以选择时间状语从句,也可以选择非谓语动词词组。“苍蓝色调”一词翻译难度较高可译为“grayish”,
-  若对此词不熟悉,应尽力寻找替代的近义词。  “巡回医疗”可译为“medical-service rounds”。整句建议译为:Riding on my horse through the grayish tamarisk trees on my medical-service rounds,I was even convinced that they would exist as long as the snow-covered plateau itself.
