Why does the student go to see the director? Choose 2 answers.

admin2022-07-28  17

问题 Why does the student go to see the director? Choose 2 answers.
Listen to a conversation between a student and a dining services director. (S = Student, D = Director)
S: Hi. I don’t know what my parents were thinking. They sort of went overboard and bought me the plan of 235 meals a semester.
D: Well, I bet they were probably thinking that this is your first year of college and that you’d have plenty to think about without having to worry about food. It’s pretty common for first-year students.
S: It is?
D: Yeah, and most students will try to cut down on their plan in the second year.
S: My first year is almost done. And I wanna go for the smallest plan available next year. What are my choices?
D: Well, besides the 235 that you have this year, we got the 190.
S: What about the 95 meal plan?
D: Oh, that’s only for the third- and fourth-year students.
S: I don’t understand. Only juniors and seniors?
D: It’s based on the idea that juniors and seniors have other dining options. You know, some move off campus. Others join clubs that provide certain meals on a regular basis. As you know, most of these clubs aren’t open to younger students.
S: I think it makes a certain kind of sense. But still… Anyway, I guess I’ll have to go with the 190 meal plan. I mean, if that’s the smallest plan available for me, I was hoping I’d be able to eat out a lot more next year.
D: Well, just one more year and then you’ll be free to do whatever you want. Juniors and seniors aren’t required to buy any meal plan. They buy one only if they want to.
S: OK. I guess I can deal with that. But my real question is I still got about 60 meals left on this year’s plan. So I’d like to know if I could carry them over.
D: Carry them over? You mean like if you can use them for the next year?
S: Yeah, I mean, see, I didn’t use them, and they’ve been paid for already.
D: I’m sorry you can’t do that.
S: How about… well… can’t the price of those leftover meals… I mean… can it be deducted from next year’s charges or something?
D: No, according to our policy, we do not provide credit for unused meals.
S: Well, is there any way to get a refund then?
D: No, I’m sorry. We don’t provide credits or refunds.
S: So, what am I supposed to do now? How am I supposed to eat 60 meals in two weeks?
D: Well, you can invite your friends or guests… as many as 15 people on your particular plan. Why not show your generosity? Make the most of it.
S: But all my friends have their own meal plans… and probably the same plan I have with more meals than they know what to do with. It seems like a waste of money if there’s no refund.
D: I understand how you feel. But there’s nothing I can do for you. Maybe you could talk to the dean, if you feel that strongly.
S: You know… I really should. But I don’t have the time right now with all my school work and stuff. I don’t know. Maybe later I’ll ask the dean if the meal plan policy could be made more flexible.

选项 A、To ask which meal plans are available to her the following year
B、To ask about a refund for the unused meals in her current meal plan
C、To ask if she can cancel her meal plan contract
D、To ask if her meal plan covers food for guests


解析 题目问学生去见餐厅服务主管的原因。从录音内容可以看出,前半部分主要是讲学生不满意今年的用餐方案,所以询问主管她明年能有什么新的用餐方案(What are my choices?)。由此可见,A项“询问下一年她有哪些用餐方案可以选择”是答案之一。另外,在对话的后半部分,学生反复提到了她还有60顿饭餐没有吃,并多次提出想退款的请求(如Well, is there any way to get a refund then?)。由此可见,B项“要求退还她目前用餐方案中未使用的餐费”也是答案。因此,本题选A、B两项。C项“询问她是否可以取消她的用餐方案合同”和D项“询问她的饮食计划是否包括给客人的食物”在录音中均没有相关信息,故都不选。
