
admin2014-09-09  48

问题     我们要创造更加良好的政治环境和更加自由的学术氛围,让人民追求真理、崇尚理性、尊重科学,探索自然的奥秘、社会的法则和人生的真谛。正因为有了充分的学术自由,像牛顿这样伟大的科学家,才能够思潮奔腾、才华进发,敢于思考前人从未思考过的问题,敢于踏进前人从未涉足的领域。


答案 We should create a better political environment and a freer academic atmosphere in which people can pursue truth, exercise reasoning and respect science, and explore the mysteries of nature, the laws governing society and the true meaning of life. It was precisely in an environment of academic freedom that great scientists like Isaac Newton were able to give free rein to their imagination and bring out their best, probe issues never touched uopn by their predecessors and blaze a new trail. We have always called for respecting the diversity of civilizations in the world and advocated dialogues, exchanges and cooperation between them. The late Mr. Fei Xiaotong, a well-known Chinese sociologist, studied and earned his doctoral degree in the United Kingdom in the 1930s. Having gone through many vicissitudes in life, he concluded in his late years that "The world will be a harmonious place if people appreciate their own beauty and that of others, and work together to create beauty in the world. " This outlook on life as manifested by Mr. Fei best illustrates the open and inclusive mindset of the Chinese people today.

