“共享经济”(sharing economy)也叫作“协同消费”,在金融和经济危机中被普遍接受并广泛传播。这种利用互联网降低交易成本、提高效率、减少资源浪费的模式是一种可持续发展的经济。共享经济以实现社会资源最优配置为核心目标,是改善不平衡不充分发展的重要

admin2018-06-27  72

问题    “共享经济”(sharing economy)也叫作“协同消费”,在金融和经济危机中被普遍接受并广泛传播。这种利用互联网降低交易成本、提高效率、减少资源浪费的模式是一种可持续发展的经济。共享经济以实现社会资源最优配置为核心目标,是改善不平衡不充分发展的重要手段。共享经济企业创造了大量灵活就业机会,推动了就业方式的改变,使分配机制更加公平。共享经济符合“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”新发展理念,必将迎来更加广阔的发展前景。


答案 The "sharing economy", also known as "collaborative consumption", was widely accepted and disseminated in the financial and economic crisis. This model of using the Internet to reduce transaction costs, increase efficiency and reduce waste of resources is a sustainable economy. With the core objective of achieving the optimal allocation of social resources, the sharing economy is an important means to get rid of the imbalanced and inadequate development. Enterprises adopting sharing economy have created a great number of flexible employment opportunities and promoted the change of employment patterns, making the distribution mechanism fairer. Sharing economy meets the new development concept of " innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing" and thus will surely enjoy broader prospects for development.

