Usually the things we dream of, then work and struggle for, are what we value most. Have my granddaughters, blessed with abundan

admin2013-06-19  34

问题     Usually the things we dream of, then work and struggle for, are what we value most. Have my granddaughters, blessed with abundance, been denied life’s real pleasures?
    Working tirelessly on that isolated farm, my grandfather taught me that we should accept and be grateful for what we have------whether it be much or little. We must bear the burdens and relish the joys. There is so much we cannot control, but we must try to make things better when we are able. We must depend upon ourselves to make our own way as best we can.
    Growing up in a comfortable suburban home, my granddaughters have been presented with a different situation. But I hope — I believe — they will in their own way be able to cope as well as my grandfather coped, and learn the lesson my grandfather taught me all those years ago. On the day I took them to Storvassdal. I hoped they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of self-reliance.
    High in the mountain. I hesitated to speak lest I disturb our tranquility. Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly,   "Grandpa, someday I’ll come back."   She paused. "And I’ll bring my children."


答案 我们梦寐以求以及后来又为之努力奋斗的东西,往往正是我们最珍视的东西。我的两个孙女有幸过上了丰裕的生活,但她们是否享受到生活的真正乐趣呢? 外公在那个偏僻的农场孜孜不倦地干活,他教导我应该随遇而安,知足常乐——不论是多是少。我们必须吃苦耐劳,乐观快活。许多事我们都无法把握,不过我们必须尽力改善一切。一定要依靠自己竭尽全力走自己的路。 我的两个孙女是在市郊的舒适住宅里长大的,她们面临一个迥然不同的环境。不过我希望——我相信——她们能够像我外公一样以自己的方式应付一切,而且能够领会到多年前外公对我的教益。那天我带她们去斯托瓦司戴尔湖,就是希望她们会悟出小船的重要性以及它所表达的简明道理:自力更生。 在高高的山上,我迟迟不说话,恐搅乱了我们的宁静。后来,克莱尔抬起头来打断了我的沉思,她轻轻地说: “爷爷,总有一天我要回来。”她顿了顿又说: “我还要带我的孩子来。”

解析     本篇是Arnold Berwick的优秀散文《悠悠岁月小船情》(The Little Boat That Sailed Through Time)的结尾部分。作者曾经在外公山区的农场度过一段美好的时光。虽然外公逝去多年,但他的谆谆教诲始终铭记于心。因此,文章高潮处出现了“我”带着两个孙女重返斯托瓦司戴尔湖的感人场景。  “我”殷切地希望子孙后代可以秉承自力更生、吃苦耐劳的优良品德。 blessed with:be fortunate in having(在……方面有福气;很幸运地享有)。例如, I am not greatly blessed with worldly goods.(我没有很多财富。)。
2.accept and be grateful for what we have:随遇而安,知足常乐。
3.relish:enjoy;get pleasure out of(享受;爱好;喜好)。例如,I would relish a lobster and a bottle of wine.(我愿享受一只龙虾和一瓶葡萄酒。)/She won’t relish having to get up before dawn to catch that train.(在黎明前须起床赶那班火车,她不会喜欢的。)
4.lest:for fear that;in order that…not(因恐;以免)。例如,He ran away lest he should been seen.(他因怕被人看见而逃跑了。)。
6.  reverie:condition of being lost in dreamy,pleasant thoughts(沉湎于梦幻或快乐的思想情况;幻想)。broke my reverie:打断了我的沉思。
7.pause:make a short interval or stop while doing or saying sth.(中止;暂停)。此处指“克莱尔顿了一下接着说”。
