Writing Based on Reading and Listening Read the following passage. In the 19th century North American bison populations

admin2022-09-29  30

问题     Writing Based on Reading and Listening
    Read the following passage.
    In the 19th century North American bison populations were reduced to near extinction for a variety of reasons, all of which are human-related and a result of settler activity in the region. Bison populations have undergone wide fluctuations in size throughout history; however, human activities, including using bison as a food source, introduction of animal species that competed for habitat, and hunting, all dramatically reduced herd populations.
    Early North American settlers and Native American Indians relied on bison as a food source. Nomadic hunters would follow herd movements across the plains and to the Rocky Mountains where bison grazing trails had been established. It is estimated that 20 to 30 million bison once dominated the North American landscape and it was in part this gigantic population that led many people to believe that bison was an inexhaustible and limitless supply of food. As the settlers moved west, over-consumption of the bison reduced bison populations to less than 2,000 before the turn of the 19th century.
    During the American Civil War period, humans introduced many other grazing species that directly competed with bison for habitat and food resources. These species included cattle and horses which forced bison into smaller and smaller pockets of habitat. This had the result of bison directly competing with each other for food. Under these circumstances, it is no wonder bison populations were quickly decimated.
    Technological developments in the accuracy and range of rifles also had a considerable impact on bison herd populations. The new rifles allowed for increased accuracy from increased distances so that the slaughter of bison became easier and easier. The increased mortality of these new rifles, coupled with the fact that many people took up bison hunting for sport, pushed bison to the brink of complete annihilation.
    Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about
    Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific-points made in the reading passage.
Historical records indicate almost complete decimation of North American bison populations which only in recent years have been restored to sustainable numbers. The reading passage is, however, too quick to place the blame of bison endangerment on human activities. Let me give you a few examples of why the reading passage is incorrect.
    Firstly, if bison population endangerment was directly related to human consumption, then we would expect to see that bison population numbers reduced in tandem with the westward movement of early North American settlers. This is not the case, however, as historical records indicate no reduction of herd population from east to west. But instead, records indicate a geographic reduction in herd numbers starting in the west.
    Secondly, bison are the largest, toughest, and possibly most aggressive, North American grazing species. The assertion in the reading passage that cattle and horses forced bison out of their natural grassland grazing habitats is a bit far-fetched. Bison are not easily intimidated animals and would have no problem competing with cows and horses, largely domestic and docile creatures, for food. Furthermore, bison habitats included cold and mountainous regions, areas that cows and horses would find quite unsuitable for living and grazing.
    Lastly, placing the blame on rifle improvements is wholly erroneous. Newly improved rifles had the same mortality rate as the traditional bow and arrow hunting methods and older rifles. Now, looking at similar large game animals in other areas of the world, we do not see evidence to support gun technology advancements as a reason for population decline. If this were the case, we would expect to see drastic reductions of other large, wild beasts following the introduction of new rifle technology.


答案 The reading passage attributes the sharp decrease in bison populations in the 19th century to human activities, such as over-consumption of the bison, introduction of other animals that took away bison’s habitat and food, as well as improvement of the accuracy and range of rifles. However, the lecturer rebuts the reasoning in the passage. The reading passage first claims that the bison populations underwent a dramatic fall because settlers and natives in the North America took them as a major food source. But the lecturer doubts this idea because the reduction of bison populations did not correspond with the westward movement of early settlers. Rather, historical evidence suggests that the decline started from the west. Secondly, the reading passage blames humans for introducing other grazing species that took away the habitat and food of bison. This attribution is also incorrect according to the lecturer. The reason is twofold: for one thing, as the biggest and toughest grazing species, bison are unlikely to lose to these two docile grazing animals in the competition; for another, the bison’s habitats are not suitable for cattle or horses. Finally, the improvement of the accuracy and range of rifle is to blame according to the reading passage. The reading passage believes that the increased mortality of these new rifles makes bison hunting a lot easier. But as the lecturer argues, the populations of other large, wild animals did not decrease as rifles became more fatal. Thus, it is not hunting by new rifles that pushed bison to the brink of extinction.

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