
admin2017-11-20  70

问题     作为一种成熟完美的综合性艺术,昆曲艺术具有诸多构成因素,大致包括诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、表演、武术、杂技、化妆、脸谱、服饰、道具、布景等。在这诸多构成因素中,昆曲独特的声腔系统——建立在吴语基础上的、经魏良辅等人雅化了的昆山腔是昆曲艺术的本质特征,也是昆曲与非昆曲的根本区别。就本质而言,昆曲首先是一种戏曲声腔,是音乐化的语言艺术。其表现和构成的形式主要包括三个要素:一为取材于唐宋诗词、金元诸宫调、宋元南戏、元杂剧、元明散曲、明清时调以及宗教音乐、民间俗曲、少数民族歌曲乃至市井叫卖声等丰富源头的2000多个曲牌,二是将曲牌按管色、调性分门别类的宫调,以及将曲牌组合成套的套式。三是将不同时代、不同地域、不同风格的曲牌宫调套式等音乐素材规范融合为一体的内在依据,即汉语的音韵系统。


答案 As a mature and perfect comprehensive art, Kunqu Opera has many factors, including poetry, music, dance, performance, martial arts, acrobatics, makeup, face, clothing, props, scenery and so on. Among those factors, the unique sound system of Kunqu Opera, Kunshan cavity—based on Wu language, refined by Wei Liangfu and others—is not only the essential characteristic of Kunqu Opera art, but also the fundamental difference between Kunqu and non-Kunqu Opera. In essence, the Kunqu Opera is a kind of opera sound as well as a language art of music. Its forms of performance and composition mainly include three elements: The first is more than 2,000 tunes, based on the poetry of Tang and Song dynasties, modes of ancient Chinese music in Jin and Yuan dynasties, Nanxi Opera in Song and Yuan dynasties, Zaju Opera in Yuan dynasty, Sanqu Opera in Yuan and Ming dynasties, popular songs in Ming and Qing dynasties and religious music, folk songs, ethnic songs and even the sound of merchants. The second is the song classified by the tube color and tonality, as well as the combination of tunes. The Third is the Chinese phonological system, based on which the different times, different regions, different styles of the tunes are integrated.

