
admin2017-01-25  35

问题 请设计一节课的教案,教学目的是让学生学会表达自己观点的某些方法。


答案Teaching plan Step 1. Warming up 1, Students talk about the pictures on the textbook with the teacher’s help. An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now. A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical problems. But it is too big. A calculator is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems. A PC is a personal computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is used widely now. A notebook computer is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook. 2. Now let’s discuss what they have in common in small groups. Remember to use some of the following expressions. I think that ... In my opinion ... I believe that ... What’s your opinion? Why do you think so? Step 2. Listening Students are asked to read fast the requirement of Ex. 1 and to find out the listening points first. Then listen to the tape twice to complete Ex 1. Step 3. Talking Imagine that your family is thinking of buying a robot. You can afford the three robots mentioned in the listening text. Please discuss which one is the best for you. Remember to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Then make your choice and give reasons. Use the following expressions in the discussion: I believe that ... I think this one is better because ... Let’s make our decision ... In my opinion ... I’ve decided ... I don’t like this one because ...

