
admin2017-03-06  28

问题     古琴是我国古老的弹拨乐器,产于大约三千多年前的商周时期,在古代只称“琴”,近百年来为区别于其他乐器,才被称为“古琴”,是中国古代文人“琴棋书画”四艺之首。古琴在春秋战国时非常繁荣,此后持续两千多年,直到清中期、后期都在发展,鸦片战争以后逐渐衰落。自古文人似乎都离不开那一把并不华丽,却能发出绕梁妙音的古琴。古琴从最先作为祭祀的神器,到后来逐渐演变为修身养性的方式。


答案 Guqin is an ancient plucked instrument of our country, which was born in Shang and Zhou Dynasties about three thousand years ago. In ancient times, it was only called "qin". In the past 100 years, people began to call it "guqin" in order to distinguish it from other musical instruments. It ranks first among the ancient Chinese literati’s four arts; "qin, chess, calligraphy and painting". Guqin flourished during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, and had developed for two thousand years until the mid and late Qing dyuasty. It declined gradually after the Opium War. Since ancient times, it seemed that literati couldn’t live without a guqin which was not gorgeous but could make beautiful music. Guqin was first regarded as an artifact for worship ceremonies, and eventually evolved into a way of cultivating one’s morality.

