It seemed to me, and still does, that the system of American business often produces wrong, immoral and irresponsible decisions,

admin2013-01-29  45

问题    It seemed to me, and still does, that the system of American business often produces wrong, immoral and irresponsible decisions, even though the personal morality of the people running the businesses is often above reproach. The system has a different morality as a group than the people do as individuals, which permits it to willfully produce ineffective or dangerous products, deal dictatorially and often unfairly with suppliers, pay bribes for business, abrogate the rights of employees by demanding blind loyalty to management or tamper with the democratic process of government through illegal political contributions.
   I am not a psychologist, so I can’t offer a professional opinion on what happens to the freedom of individual minds when they are blended into the group management through process of business. But my private analysis is this: morality has to do with people. If an action is hewed primarily from the perspective of its effect on people, it is put into the moral realm.
   Business in America, however, is impersonal. This is particularly true of large American multi-national corporations. They are viewed by their employees and publics as faceless. They have no personality. The ultimate measure of success and failure of these businesses is not their effect on people but rather their earnings per share of stock. If earnings are high, the business is considered good. If they are low or in the red ink, it is considered a failure. The first question to greet any business proposal is how will it effect profits? People do not enter the equation of a business decisions except to the extent that the effect on them will hurt or enhance earnings per share. In such a completely impersonal context, business decisions of questionable personal morality are easily justified. The unwavering devotion to the bottom line brings this about, and the American public until now has been more than willing to accept this. When someone is forced into early retirement in a management power-play or supplier is cheated out of sale by under-the-table dealings, the public reaction is generally, "Oh, well. That’s business." And management’s reaction is often, "it’s what’s on the bottom line that counts." A person who shoots and kills an other is sentenced to life in prison. A business man who makes a defective product which kills people may get a nominal fine or a verbal slap on the hands, ff he is ever brought to trial at all.
From the passage we may well understand that the author ______.

选项 A、appeals relentlessly to the law court for justice
B、finds personal morality sometimes questionable
C、knows much about immoral dealings of American businesses
D、regards profit-making as a business’s primary goal


解析 文章中虽然没有直接提到美国商业中的不道德交易,但是从文章的描写及作者的分析中可以看出,作者非常了解这些不道德交易。A在文章中没有提到;B与文章的提法刚好相反;D是美国商人们的看法,作者是否定这一看法的,所以用排除法也可以得出答案是C。
