甲骨文(oracle bone script)指中国商代和西周早期刻在龟甲或兽骨上的文字,用于占卜(divine)或记事。它是中国最早的文字体系,是汉语发展的关键阶段,现代汉字就是由甲骨文演变而来。人们通常认为甲骨文是王懿荣于1899年从来自河南安阳的甲骨

admin2017-04-12  29

问题     甲骨文(oracle bone script)指中国商代和西周早期刻在龟甲或兽骨上的文字,用于占卜(divine)或记事。它是中国最早的文字体系,是汉语发展的关键阶段,现代汉字就是由甲骨文演变而来。人们通常认为甲骨文是王懿荣于1899年从来自河南安阳的甲骨上发现的。截至2012年,被人们发现的甲骨大约有15万片,刻有4500多个单字。这些甲骨所记载的内容极为丰富,涉及商代社会生活的诸多方面,包括政治、军事、文化、社会习俗、天文、历法、医药等。


答案 Oracle bone script refers to inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones in Shang Dynasty and the early Western Zhou Dynasty, which is used for divining or keeping records of events. It is the earliest character system in China and is regarded as a crucial stage in the development of Chinese language, from which modern Chinese characters evolve. It is generally acknowledged that it is in 1899 that Wang Yirong found the oracle bone script on the tortoise shells and the animal bones that came from Anyang of Henan Province. By 2012, about 150,000 pieces of tortoise shells and animal bones had been found, on which more than 4,500 characters were inscribed. The content recorded on these tortoise shells and animal bones is extremely abundant, involving many aspects of the social life in Shang Dynasty such as politics, military affairs, culture, social customs, astronomy, calendar and medicine.

解析 1.第一句中,可将主干结构视为“甲骨文是文字”,后接介词短语表明甲骨文刻在什么地方;“用于占卜或记事”可使用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达。
2.第二句中,可将前两个短句合并,用and连接起来;第三个短句“现代汉字就是由甲骨文演变而来”可使用from which引导的定语从句指代前面的“甲骨文”,这样句子显得简洁而又有层次。
3.第三句“人们通常认为……甲骨上发现的”中。“人们通常认为”可以用固定句式It is generally acknowledged that...来表达,该that从句中还可再套用强调句式it is…that...,强调时间in 1899,突出甲骨文被发现的时间。
4.倒数第二句“截至2012年……单字”注意应使用过去完成时态:将“被人们发现的甲骨大约有15万片”作为主句,译成about 150,000 pieces of tortoise shells and animal bones had been found;“刻有4500多个单字”则处理成on which引导的非限制性定语从句,跟在主句后面。
