
admin2014-11-27  18

问题     武松在景阳冈打虎出了名以后,某机关重视人才,特地把他调了去。机关没打虎任务分配给武松。武松是条好使力气的硬汉子,没有坐办公室的耐性儿,每天闲着无事,看着苍蝇不少,飞来飞去,着实令人讨厌,便拿起苍蝇拍子来打苍蝇。一天,鲁智深来拜访老朋友,看见武松在打苍蝇。笑道:“我们的打虎英雄,怎么在此打起苍蝇来了?”武松说:“老兄,请勿见笑!如果再过景阳冈,遇到老虎,我打不了老虎,恐怕只能给老虎当点心了。”


答案 After Wu Song(1)(aheroin Water Margin)(2)made his name for killing the ferocious tiger on(3)Jingyang Ridge, a government agency which treated talented people with great respect specially(4)transferred him there. In his new office, Wu Song had no jobs of killing tigers(5)assigned to him. But Wu Song was a tough guy who liked to use physical strength and had no patience to sit in an office chair all day. While(6)idling away his time, he found a horde of flies buzzing around, which was really disgusting, so he grabbed a fly swatter to kill them. One day, Lu Zhishen,(7)an old friend of Wu Song, came to pay a visit. Entering the room, he saw Wu Song swatting flies. Laughingly, he said, "Look at our tiger-killing hero! What has come over you to kill flieshere?" Wu Song answered, "Man,(8)please don’t laugh at me! If I climb up Jingyang Ridge for a second time and again come across a tiger, I would be unable to fight it to death bare-handedly, but(9)chances are I would serve myself as its snack."

解析    (1)括号内解释武松这个人物的出处。
   (2)“出名”可译为make one’s name。
   (3)“景阳冈”可译为Jingyang Ridge。
   (5)“分配”可译为assign sth.to sb.。
   (6)“闲着无事”可译为idle away one’s time;“不少”可译为a horde of;“飞来飞去”可译为buzz around。
   (8)“请勿见笑”可译为please don’t laugh at me。
   (9)“恐怕”可译为chances are。
