A、It has created a totally new climate pattern. B、It will pose a serious threat to many species. C、It typically appears about on

admin2021-01-08  24

During the arctic winter from October to March, the average temperature in the frozen north typically hovers around minus 20 degree Celsius. But this year the Arctic is experiencing much higher temperatures.
     [9] On February the 20th the temperature in Greenland climbed above freezing or zero degree Celsius and it stayed there for over 24 hours. Then on February the 24th the temperature on Greenland’ s northern tip reached six degree Celsius. Climate scientists describe the phenomenon as stunning. [10] Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before. They typically appear about once in a decade. However, the last such increase in temperature took place two years ago. This is troubling as climbing arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop which could accelerate Arctic warming. Indeed, sea ice cover in the Arctic is melting faster than expected. Without those masses of cooling sea ice, warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further inland than it ever did before. The air can stay warmer longer too. This drives additional melting.
    Overall, earth is warming at a rapid pace. 2014 through 2017 ranks the hottest years on record and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as any place else on earth. This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife and indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive. Previously climate forecasts predicted that Arctic summer ice would disappear entirely by around 2060, [11] but based on what scientists are seeing now, the Arctic may be facing summers without ice within 20 years.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
9. What did climate scientists describe as stunning?
10. What does the passage say about the temperature surge in the Arctic?
11. What may occur in 20 years according to scientists’ recent observations?

选项 A、It has created a totally new climate pattern.
B、It will pose a serious threat to many species.
C、It typically appears about once every ten years.
D、It has puzzled the climate scientists for decades.


解析 题干问的是关于北极气温上升的现象短文中说了什么。短文中提到,导致这种奇怪的气温上升的气候条件以前曾在北极出现过,并且通常每十年出现一次,故答案为C(它通常每十年出现一次)。原文只提到了一种新的气候反馈环,并没有提到形成新的气候类型,故A项(它已经形成了全新的气候类型)排除。B项(它会对许多物种造成严重的威胁)与题干所问内容不符,故排除。D项(它让气候学家困惑了数十年)短文中未提及,故排除。
