黄山(Mount Huang)位于安徽省黄山市,取自“黄帝之山”之意。黄山是世界自然和文化双遗产,也是中国最著名的国家级风景区之一。黄山集中国各大名山的美景于一身,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”著称于世。它不仅景色雄伟俏丽,而且资源丰富、生态完整,具有重

admin2019-09-13  58

问题    黄山(Mount Huang)位于安徽省黄山市,取自“黄帝之山”之意。黄山是世界自然和文化双遗产,也是中国最著名的国家级风景区之一。黄山集中国各大名山的美景于一身,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”著称于世。它不仅景色雄伟俏丽,而且资源丰富、生态完整,具有重要的科学和生态价值。黄山无处不松,最著名的有迎客松、卧龙松(Crouching Dragon pine)。它们不管风吹雨打都巍然屹立于峭壁之上,仿佛在充满热情地迎接海内外游客们的到来。


答案 Located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, Mount Huang has obtained its name from the meaning of "Mountain of Emperor Huang". As one of the world’ s natural and cultural heritages, Mount Huang is also one of China’ s most famous national scenic spots. With all the beauty of the famous mountains in China in itself, Mount Huang is known to the world for its strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. Mount Huang boasts not only magnificent scenery, but also rich resources and ecological integrity, thus having important scientific and ecological value. Pines can be found everywhere on Mount Huang, among which the most famous ones are Guest-Greeting pines and Crouching Dragon pines. Regardless of the wind and rain these pines are standing on cliffs, as if they were greeting tourists at home and abroad enthusiastically.

