
admin2019-10-05  35

问题     广州人的平均收入在中国算是很高的,小康之家越来越多,所以,广州人上馆子吃饭乃是常事。广州的餐馆整天顾客盈门,这是因为,比起中国其他地方来,广州人特别注重吃。不少广州人喜欢上馆子喝早茶。在那里,小推车上装着各种“点心”,从一个桌子推到另一个桌子,供应顾客。每星期天一早,从七点开始,人们就起身上馆子,边喝茶,边吃早饭,边和朋友聊天了。


答案Compared with people in most other Chinese cities, people in Guangzhou have quite high average income, and the number of well-to-do families has been rising steadily. For this reason, it is very common for Guangzhou residents to eat out. Restaurants in the city are congested with diners all day round, as the people in Guangzhou seem to be keener on having good food than those in any other parts of the country. The locals like to have their "morning tea" in restaurants, where a large variety of dim sum is served from carts wheeled from table to table. Early on Sunday mornings, a lot of people in Guangzhou are up since 7 o’clock and are already chatting with friends over tea and breakfast in various restaurants.

解析 1.本段描述当代社会生活的某一个侧面,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。
2.第2句的“顾客”此处指食客,故可译为diner,比clients,customers等词语意思更明确;“顾客盈门”是典型的汉语表达形式,可根据意思译成be full of diners,be crowded with diners或be congested with diners等。
3.“特别注重吃”指广州人对“吃”的重视程度,意思是广州人爱“吃”会“吃”,可译为pay extraordinaryattention to food或are keen on having good food;但不能译成中国式的英语enjoy eating.
4.第3、4句意思联系紧密,可译为一句。“广州人”可译为the locals,以避免重复;“早茶”为当地特色,翻译时可加上引号;“点心”为dim sum,若不知,可译为dessert或snack,在从句中作主语,应译为被动语态。
5.第5句表现广州人喝早茶这一重要社交方式,呈现给我们一幅广州人悠然自得地边喝茶吃吃早点边聊天的风俗画,可译成chat over their morning tea and breakfast,简洁明了,符合英文的表达方式。
