
admin2022-12-27  41

问题 中国申奥意向的形成可追溯到1908年,当时的《天津青年》杂志就曾提出中国何时才会参加奥运会,中国何时才能主办奥运会。1979年,邓小平同志指出,在适当的时机,中国会申办奥运会。1991年至2001年,北京共筹备了两次申奥工作。第一次申奥仅以两票之差败于悉尼,与2000年奥运会主办权擦肩而过。而在2001年,北京打败了同时申奥的其他城市,赢得了2008年夏季奥运会的主办权。这与中国经济的迅猛发展以及在体育上取得的显著成就是密不可分的。


答案China’s Olympic bid intention can date back to 1908, when the Tianjin Youth magazine asked when China would send its athletes to the Olympic Games and when China would host the Olympic Games. In 1979, the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping pointed out that China would bid to host the Olympic Games when the time was appropriate. From 1991 to 2001, Beijing, the Chinese capital city, made two Olympic bids. In its first bid Beijing lost to Sydney by a narrow margin of two votes, brushing past the right to host the 2000 Olympic Games. And in its second bid in 2001, Beijing beat other cities bidding to host the Olympic Games simultaneously and won the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, thanks to the rapid economic growth and the remarkable achievements in sports made by China.

