
admin2010-01-18  28

问题    过去一年,我们是在应对新的挑战和考验中前进的。近两年我国经济运行中出现了一些新问题,主要是粮食供求关系趋紧,固定资产投资膨胀,货币信贷投放过快,煤电油运紧张。如果任其发展下去,局部性问题就会演变为全局性问题。党中央、国务院审时度势,及时作出了加强宏观调控的决策和部署,按照果断有力、适时适度、区别对待、注重实效的原则,综合运用经济、法律手段和必要的行政手段,着力解决经济平稳较快发展的突出问题。经过全国上下共同努力,宏观调控取得明显成效。经济运行中不稳定不健康因素得到抑制,薄弱环节得到加强,避免了经济大的起落。


答案 We made progress while responding to new challenges and tests during the past year. Some new problems have emerged in China’s economic activities over the last two years, mainly tight grain supply, overheated investment in fixed assets, excessive money and credit, and shortages of coal, electricity, petroleum and transportation. If allowed to grow unchecked, these isolated problems could have had an overall impact. After sizing up the situation, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council promptly made decisions and arrangements for strengthening macroregulation. Acting on the principles of adopting resolute and effective measures, taking timely and appropriate steps, dealing with problems individually and stressing practical results, they worked to solve prominent problems threatening steady and rapid economic development througha eombination of economic and legal means, plus administrative means when necessary. Thanks to the concerted efforts of the whole nation, their macroregulation achieved significant results. Destabilizing, unsound factors threatening economic performance were contained, weak links were strengthened, and large economic fluctuations were avoided.

