Presently many students are not satisfied enough with the quality of education. To improve the situation, some propose that stud

admin2013-11-29  24

问题   Presently many students are not satisfied enough with the quality of education. To improve the situation, some propose that students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Write an essay of about 400 words on the topic given below.
  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
  Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案It has been generally realized that the quality of education in China leaves much to be desired. In order to improve the situation, some people propose that students should be encouraged to evaluate or even criticize their teachers. However I think such a practice, should it be adopted, would give rise to indiscipline in class and disrespect for teachers despite its merits. It cannot be denied that such a practice might be helpful to both teachers and students to some extent. If it were introduced, teachers would have an easier way to solicit student feedback about their way of teaching and therefore take timely measures to improve their work. For instance, a teacher of English, even though expert at the language, may not be a good teacher for a particular class because he is not clear enough about what his students really need. If the teacher could find out from the students’ criticism of him what needs to be improved about his way of teaching, he could be very likely make his work better adapted to his students, thus benefiting his students and himself as well. Meanwhile this practice would enable students to be more independent as it would give them a chance to make decisions by themselves when they are allowed to give their opinions about their teacher. Nevertheless we should not turn a blind eye to the possible negative results it might bring about. Among others, it would cause disorder in class and loss of respect for teachers. If they were given the freedom to criticise their teachers, students may go so far as to contradict the latter in class whenever they feel like doing it, as most of them are admittedly not mature enough. In that case, it would be very difficult for teachers to maintain discipline in class. What is more, teachers would not have any sense of authority but a strong feeling of not being duly respected, which no doubt would undermine the existent system of education. In my opinion, this proposal, though well intended, is not applicable in the majority of schools in our country. In the first place, teenager students are not mature enough to assess the performance of a teacher. For instance, they might mistake a teacher’s strict requirement as cruelty. In the second place, the devastating criticism from students about their teachers can only make things worse. Teachers may become demoralized and therefore the quality of education even lower.

解析   引言部分作者对题目中给出的一部分人认为应该鼓励学生评估甚至批评老师的观点表示质疑,认为这种做法尽管有它的优点但是可能会引起课堂混乱并且使老师得不到应有的尊重。
  在进行了正反两方面的讨论之后,作者得出结论: 这种做法虽然用意很好,但是在我们国家并不适用,并简单明了地给出了两点理由。
